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Angelo Bucci: The Latest Architecture and News

Capturing the Essence of Delos: A Photographic Journey with Erieta Attali

Nestled amidst the Aegean Sea, the ancient island of Delos emerges as a timeless testament to human ingenuity and the harmonious interplay between architecture and nature, in this captivating series of photographs shared with ArchDaily for the International Day of Photography by artist Erieta Attali, along with the insightful voice of Brazilian architect Angelo Bucci. Inspired by Attali's work, Bucci crafts a narrative that explores the profound connection between architecture and the environment, echoing the ethos of Delos itself.

The Importance of the Section in Architectural Representation and Practice

Architectural comprehension as a field deals with representation as a synthesis of varied efforts —constructive, compositional, spatial, and technical qualities— which are then articulated in the constructed building. For this purpose, it is essential to think about the graphic representation that presupposes all these efforts, since it is both a procedure and a product of architectural design.

MCHAP Announces Finalists for 2014/2015 Most Outstanding Project in the Americas

Seven projects have been named finalists in the second edition of the biennial Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (MCHAP). Selected from a pool of 175 nominees, the chosen buildings represent the best built works of architecture realized in the Americas from January 2014 to December 2015. The inaugaral award, which was given to the best project from 2000-2013, was shared by Álvaro Siza's Iberê Camargo Foundation and Herzog & de Meuron’s 1111 Lincoln Road.

Continue after the break for the list of finalists.

Arch Battle®: Njiric vs Bucci

Arch Battle®: Njiric vs Bucci  - Featured Image

NOGO, with the support of MIARQ from Lusófona University, presents ARCH BATTLE®: NJIRIC vs. BUCCI. Hrvoje Njiric and Angelo Bucci come to Portugal to present their proposals for the Housing Design Project CasaGranturismo, Silves. The event will be moderated by Ivan Rupnik from Northeastern University in Boston.