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Andreas Ruby: The Latest Architecture and News

Intervention at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion Reflects on the Rehabilitation of Large-scale Housing Blocks

The Mies van der Rohe foundation presents “Never Demolish” a temporary intervention by curators Ilka and Andreas Ruby that explores the “Transformation of 530 dwellings in the Grand Parc Bordeaux” project by the Pritzker laureates Lacaton & Vassal architects, Frédéric Druot Architecture, and Christophe Hutin Architecture. Running until December 16th, the pavilion is transformed into a domestic space that allows visitors to "deepen the debate on housing and the rehabilitation model of the large-scale blocks of the 60s and 70s".

Intervention at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion Reflects on the Rehabilitation of Large-scale Housing Blocks - Image 1 of 4Intervention at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion Reflects on the Rehabilitation of Large-scale Housing Blocks - Image 2 of 4Intervention at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion Reflects on the Rehabilitation of Large-scale Housing Blocks - Image 3 of 4Intervention at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion Reflects on the Rehabilitation of Large-scale Housing Blocks - Image 4 of 4Intervention at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion Reflects on the Rehabilitation of Large-scale Housing Blocks - More Images+ 15

Andreas Ruby, Director of Swiss Architecture Museum Shares his Thoughts on Christo's Wrapped Arc de Triomphe

Andreas Ruby, Director of the Swiss Architecture Museum shares his thoughts on the wrapped Arc de Triomphe installation by Christo and Jeanne-Claude, in a 3 part essay, converting a monument glorifying war into a monument of decolonization. The temporary installation opened to the public on September 18, 2021, and will be dismantled starting October 3, 2021.

Andreas Ruby, Director of Swiss Architecture Museum Shares his Thoughts on Christo's Wrapped Arc de Triomphe - Image 1 of 4Andreas Ruby, Director of Swiss Architecture Museum Shares his Thoughts on Christo's Wrapped Arc de Triomphe - Image 2 of 4Andreas Ruby, Director of Swiss Architecture Museum Shares his Thoughts on Christo's Wrapped Arc de Triomphe - Image 3 of 4Andreas Ruby, Director of Swiss Architecture Museum Shares his Thoughts on Christo's Wrapped Arc de Triomphe - Image 4 of 4Andreas Ruby, Director of Swiss Architecture Museum Shares his Thoughts on Christo's Wrapped Arc de Triomphe - More Images+ 2

Think You Know Swiss Architecture? Think Again.

In one of his 1922 travel essays for the Toronto Star Ernest Hemingway wrote, in a typically thewy tone, of “a small, steep country, much more up and down than sideways and all stuck over with large brown hotels built [in] the cuckoo style of architecture.” This was his Switzerland: a country cornered in the heartland of Europe and yet distant from so much of its history. A nation which, for better or worse and particularly over the course of the 20th Century, has cultivated and become subject to a singularly one-dimensional reputation when it comes to architectural culture and the built environment.

Think You Know Swiss Architecture? Think Again. - Image 1 of 4Think You Know Swiss Architecture? Think Again. - Image 2 of 4Think You Know Swiss Architecture? Think Again. - Image 3 of 4Think You Know Swiss Architecture? Think Again. - Image 4 of 4Think You Know Swiss Architecture? Think Again. - More Images+ 12