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American Academy in China: The Latest Architecture and News

7 “Napavilions” to Provide Perfect Snoozing Spots in China's Jade Valley Vineyard

The University of Southern California's American Academy in China (AAC) has announced the seven winning designs for the international Napavilion Competition. Entrants had to design prefabricated wood structures with the sole function of providing space for guests to nap in. The winning designs will be built at Jade Valley Winery outside of Xi’an in western China, with three to be completed in time for the Napavilion Festival in July.

7 “Napavilions” to Provide Perfect Snoozing Spots in China's Jade Valley Vineyard - Image 1 of 47 “Napavilions” to Provide Perfect Snoozing Spots in China's Jade Valley Vineyard - Image 2 of 47 “Napavilions” to Provide Perfect Snoozing Spots in China's Jade Valley Vineyard - Image 3 of 47 “Napavilions” to Provide Perfect Snoozing Spots in China's Jade Valley Vineyard - Image 4 of 47 “Napavilions” to Provide Perfect Snoozing Spots in China's Jade Valley Vineyard - More Images+ 10