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  2. Alter Studio Architetti Associati

Alter Studio Architetti Associati: The Latest Architecture and News

Tower House / Alter Studio Architetti Associati

Tower House / Alter Studio Architetti Associati - Image 5 of 4
Courtesy of Alter Studio Architetti Associati

Alter Studio Architetti Associati shared with us their design, which won second place, for the Tower House Competition for Treviso, Italy, which challenged architects to refurbish a twenty story landmark in the area. The proposal transforms the existing tower into 3 attached structures, each of which is designed with its own energy strategy. Photovoltaic panels on the roof and south façade provide 60 + 15 kw of power, which combined with bioclimatic devices brings the CO2 emissions down to zero. More images and architects’ description after the break.