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  2. Alexander Strugach

Alexander Strugach: The Latest Architecture and News

The Hidden History of St. Petersburg's Leningrad-Era Avant-Garde Architecture

While Yekaterinburg’s avant-garde architecture is the city’s hallmark, and Moscow’s avant-garde is the subject of arguments, in Saint Petersburg the prominence of the style and its influence are somewhat harder to identify. Some researchers even suggest that the avant-garde is an “outcast” or a “non-existent style” here, and its presence in has remained largely unrecognized. Alexander Strugach sheds light on this phenomenon:

In Saint Petersburg, the avant-garde style is simply overshadowed by an abundance of Baroque, Modernist and Classical architecture, and is not yet considered an accomplished cultural heritage category. Meanwhile, gradual deterioration makes proving the cultural value of avant-garde buildings even more difficult.

The Hidden History of St. Petersburg's Leningrad-Era Avant-Garde Architecture - Image 26 of 4

The Hidden History of St. Petersburg's Leningrad-Era Avant-Garde Architecture - Image 1 of 4The Hidden History of St. Petersburg's Leningrad-Era Avant-Garde Architecture - Image 2 of 4The Hidden History of St. Petersburg's Leningrad-Era Avant-Garde Architecture - Image 3 of 4The Hidden History of St. Petersburg's Leningrad-Era Avant-Garde Architecture - Image 4 of 4The Hidden History of St. Petersburg's Leningrad-Era Avant-Garde Architecture - More Images+ 22