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  2. Al Wakrah

Al Wakrah: The Latest Architecture and News

Al Janoub Stadium / Zaha Hadid Architects

Al Janoub Stadium / Zaha Hadid Architects - StadiumsAl Janoub Stadium / Zaha Hadid Architects - StadiumsAl Janoub Stadium / Zaha Hadid Architects - StadiumsAl Janoub Stadium / Zaha Hadid Architects - StadiumsAl Janoub Stadium / Zaha Hadid Architects - More Images+ 44

Al Wakrah, Qatar

See the Progress of Zaha Hadid Architects' World Cup Stadium in Qatar, Set to Open This Year

Construction of Zaha Hadid ArchitectsAl Wakrah Stadium for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar is marching forward, with an opening date anticipated by the end of 2018. As shown in a video released by the Supreme Committee for Legacy & Delivery, the stadium’s concrete lower bowl has been poured and its massive roof pillars have been successfully installed.

The Critics Speak: 6 Reasons why Hadid Shouldn't Have Sued the New York Review of Books

Update: Last week, Hadid and the New York Review of Books agreed to a settlement agreement, with Hadid accepting the apology of the New York Review of Books and, in conjunction with the settlement, donating an undisclosed sum of money to a labor rights charity. You can read the full joint statement at the end of this article.

For those that follow the ins and outs of architectural criticism, it will have been hard to miss the news this week that Zaha Hadid is suing the New York Review of Books, claiming that the critical broadside launched by Martin Fuller against Hadid in his review of Rowan Moore's book Why We Build was not only defamatory but also unrepresentative of the content of the book. Hadid's lawyers demanded a retraction of the review, which they claimed had caused Hadid "severe emotional and physical distress."

Hadid's lawsuit did manage to elicit an apology from Filler, but probably not the one she was hoping for: Filler posted a retraction admitting that his review confused the number of deaths involved in all construction in Qatar in 2012-13 (almost 1,000) with the number of deaths on Hadid's own Al Wakrah stadium (exactly zero). However, much of Filler's comments criticizing Hadid's cold attitude to conditions for immigrant workers in Qatar remain unaddressed.

Throughout the week, a number of other critics took this opportunity to pile more criticism on Hadid, unanimously agreeing that the lawsuit was a bad idea. Read on after the break to see the six reasons they gave explaining why.

Zaha Hadid’s 2022 Qatar World Cup Stadium Unveiled

New details have emerged on Zaha Hadid Architects and AECOM’s 2022 FIFA World Cup stadium in Qatar. Scheduled to begin construction in late 2014, the 40,000-seat venue pulls inspiration from a local fishing boat - the Arabian dhow - to influence its overall design.