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Winners Named for 2013-2014 Steel Design Student Competition: Border Crossing

In Borders: A Very Short Introduction, Hagan Diener writes, "…every border has a story. Every line on a map, every maker in the landscape, was derived from some complex negation of power and culture." It is this potency of meaning that makes the physical and conceptual border such a fascinating site. The 2013-2014 ACSA administered and AISC sponsored Steel Design Student Competition challenged students to design a border crossing station addressing the complex factors of cross-border relationships, using structural steel as the primary material. Learn more about the competition and the winning projects after the break.

Winners Named for 2013-2014 Steel Design Student Competition: Border Crossing - Image 1 of 4Winners Named for 2013-2014 Steel Design Student Competition: Border Crossing - Image 2 of 4Winners Named for 2013-2014 Steel Design Student Competition: Border Crossing - Image 3 of 4Winners Named for 2013-2014 Steel Design Student Competition: Border Crossing - Image 4 of 4Winners Named for 2013-2014 Steel Design Student Competition: Border Crossing - More Images+ 14