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AIA New Orleans: The Latest Architecture and News

DesCours: A Presentation of AIA New Orleans

DesCours: A Presentation of AIA New Orleans - Featured Image
Courtesy of AIA New Orleans

DesCours is a free, public, ten-night architecture and art event now in its fifth year, held December 2-December 11 in New Orleans.

This event invites internationally renowned architects and artists to create architecture installations within ‘hidden’ locations in the heart of New Orleans, including private courtyards, rooftops, abandoned buildings and walkways, all locations normally unseen, inaccessible or unused by the public.

More information on the event after the break.

'Regional Design Revolution Ecology Matters' 2011 AIA National Convention

'Regional Design Revolution Ecology Matters' 2011 AIA National Convention - Featured Image

The AIA New Orleans chapter will also be providing a variety of educational tours that explore the soulful flavor of the city’s architecture. There is still time to register for the convention, more information can be found here.

AIA New Orleans 2011 Design Awards

AIA New Orleans 2011 Design Awards - Image 2 of 4
© Timothy Hursley

The AIA New Orleans welcomed a record number of entries for the 2011 Design Awards, 100 Years of Excellence in Design. The categories included Interior Architecture, Master Planning, Divine Detail, Project, Architecture, Adaptive Reuse, and Juror Favorite. A complete list of the 2011 AIA New Orleans Design Awards and jurors comments following the break.

Volunteer Outreach Opportunities with AIA New Orleans

Volunteer Outreach Opportunities with AIA New Orleans - Featured Image

The AIA New Orleans chapter will offer three volunteer outreach opportunities for the upcoming 2011 AIA National Convention attendees and supporters. Convention-goers and the interested public can volunteer prior to and after the Convention, which is scheduled for May 12th – 14th. The three organizations include Hand On New Orleans, the Preservation Resource Center’s Rebuilding Together New Orleans program, and New Orleans Operation Helping Hands. If you are interested in volunteering more information can be found here.