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  2. Agnieszka Kurant

Agnieszka Kurant: The Latest Architecture and News

Steven Holl Architects Wins Competition to Design the Expo Albania Center in Tirana

Following an international competition, Steven Holl Architects has been selected as the winner of the commission for the Expo Albania convention center and hotel in Tirana, Albania. The winning team, comprised of Steven Holl Architects, artist Agnieszka Kurant, Atelier 4, Atelier Markgraph, Stoss, and Arup, proposes an iterative process, collecting signatures from local Tirana communities and fusing them into a single wandering line, a continuation of artist Agnieszka Kurant’s project “End of Signature”.

Steven Holl Architects Wins Competition to Design the Expo Albania Center in Tirana - Image 1 of 4Steven Holl Architects Wins Competition to Design the Expo Albania Center in Tirana - Image 2 of 4Steven Holl Architects Wins Competition to Design the Expo Albania Center in Tirana - Image 3 of 4Steven Holl Architects Wins Competition to Design the Expo Albania Center in Tirana - Image 4 of 4Steven Holl Architects Wins Competition to Design the Expo Albania Center in Tirana - More Images+ 7

Polish Pavilion: Venice Architecture Biennale 2010 / Agnieszka Kurant & Aleksandra Wasilkowska

Polish Pavilion: Venice Architecture Biennale 2010 / Agnieszka Kurant & Aleksandra Wasilkowska - Featured Image
© Maciej Landsberg

The installation of Emergency Exit, the Polish Pavilion at the 2010 Venice Architecture Biennale, by artist Agnieszka Kurant and architect Aleksandra Wasilkowska, seeks to go beyond the logic of urban reality through the creation of ‘urban portable holes’: in-between spaces, places of uncertainty and doubt, of time-space discontinuity, such as abandoned or unfinished buildings, sites of catastrophe or accidents, illegal markets, rooftops and tunnels. The title refers ironically to the health and safety regulations in buildings and urban space that seek to plan, control risk and eliminate the accidental and unexpected. More images and architect’s description after the break.