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Act NOW: The Latest Architecture and News

CEBRA and SLA Design a School for The Sustainable City in Dubai

CEBRA, in collaboration with landscape architect SLA, has designed the Sustainable School for The Sustainable City in Dubai. In opposition to hot-climate educational environments that are often large, air-conditioned structures, CEBRA’s vision for The Sustainable City proposes a permeability between outdoor and indoor learning environments, utilizing both in equal measure.

CEBRA and SLA Design a School for The Sustainable City in Dubai - Garden, FacadeCEBRA and SLA Design a School for The Sustainable City in Dubai - Garden, FacadeCEBRA and SLA Design a School for The Sustainable City in Dubai - GardenCEBRA and SLA Design a School for The Sustainable City in Dubai - Image 4 of 4CEBRA and SLA Design a School for The Sustainable City in Dubai - More Images