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a/LTA Architects: The Latest Architecture and News

Luminous, Transparent Mixed Use Tower Will Mark the Skyline of Saint-Malo, France

Located outside of Saint-Malo’s train station, this soaring 55-meter beacon building will establish itself as an entrance to the city. The Semaphore is the product of French architects a/LTA + Ateliers Laporte and holds a strong identity and concept in creating a dynamic, engaging environment while blending harmoniously into its surrounding environment.

Luminous, Transparent Mixed Use Tower Will Mark the Skyline of Saint-Malo, France - Residential, Facade, Arch, CityscapeLuminous, Transparent Mixed Use Tower Will Mark the Skyline of Saint-Malo, France - Residential, FacadeLuminous, Transparent Mixed Use Tower Will Mark the Skyline of Saint-Malo, France - Residential, Facade, CityscapeLuminous, Transparent Mixed Use Tower Will Mark the Skyline of Saint-Malo, France - Residential, Facade, Cityscape, CoastLuminous, Transparent Mixed Use Tower Will Mark the Skyline of Saint-Malo, France - More Images+ 28