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EOMA: The Latest Architecture and News

"The Truth is in The Tension of Possibilities”: In conversation with Eric Owen Moss

Even though Eric Owen Moss’ buildings are easy to spot it is hard to categorize them. They constitute a clash of forms and surfaces that collide, break, contort, superimpose onto themselves, bend, split, melt, and explode seemingly out of control –all to avoid being subscribed to anything that may even remotely evoke a design methodology of any kind.

"The Truth is in The Tension of Possibilities”: In conversation with Eric Owen Moss - Image 2 of 4"The Truth is in The Tension of Possibilities”: In conversation with Eric Owen Moss - Image 11 of 4"The Truth is in The Tension of Possibilities”: In conversation with Eric Owen Moss - Image 19 of 4"The Truth is in The Tension of Possibilities”: In conversation with Eric Owen Moss - Image 23 of 4The Truth is in The Tension of Possibilities”: In conversation with Eric Owen Moss - More Images+ 22