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  2. 2022 Best of Globe Winner

2022 Best of Globe Winner: The Latest Architecture and News

Local Inspiration for Contemporary Design: Hilton Singapore Orchard

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Focused on bringing spaces back to life, Avalon Collective takes a pre-existing building and transforms it into a contemporary hotel that relates to the locality and origin of Orchard Road, while capturing its modern retail context. Through a consistent design language and spirit that incorporates history and regeneration, the new Hilton Singapore Orchard has been selected among the five winners of the 2022 Best of Globe Winner.

Reusing Existing Elements to Create a Flexible Space: EY Melbourne

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By re-energising the existing building’s meeting floors, the EY Melbourne Project takes a step forward towards collaborative spaces and the way to reinvent workplaces. Within an architectural layout that combines adaptive reuse with the incorporation of featured products, Gensler designs a flexible space which has been selected among the five winners of the 2022 Best of Globe Winner.