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  2. 2010 Unbuilt Awards

2010 Unbuilt Awards: The Latest Architecture and News

2010 Unbuilt Awards / Boston Society of Architects

2010 Unbuilt Awards / Boston Society of Architects - Image 4 of 4

The Boston Society of Architects shared the four winning projects for the 2010 Unbuilt Awards with us. Each year, the BSA sponsors this award program to honor and promote excellent design. Any project typology can be submitted for review, as long as the project is either purely theoretical or an unbuilt client sponsored project. The four winners show the diversity of the award as the projects vary in program, materiality and, of course, their design strategy. The winning projects and teams include: Land of Giants by Choi & Shine Architects, Playcloud by Nameless Architecture, Retreat House by Hutker Architects and Putting the Farm Back in Farmington by University of Arkansas Community Design Center.

More about the four projects after the break.