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  2. Rio

Rio: The Latest Architecture and News

Linx Hotel International Airport Galeão / OSPA Arquitetura e Urbanismo

Linx Hotel International Airport Galeão / OSPA Arquitetura e Urbanismo - HotelsLinx Hotel International Airport Galeão / OSPA Arquitetura e Urbanismo - HotelsLinx Hotel International Airport Galeão / OSPA Arquitetura e Urbanismo - HotelsLinx Hotel International Airport Galeão / OSPA Arquitetura e Urbanismo - HotelsLinx Hotel International Airport Galeão / OSPA Arquitetura e Urbanismo - More Images+ 47

Rio, Brazil

KREOD to Construct International Trade Pavilion for Rio Olympics

Chun Qing Li, founder director of London-based KREOD, has revealed planes for a 1,200 square meter international trade pavilion for the 2016 Rio Olympics. Floating on a platform in the Barra de Tijuca lagoon, adjacent to Olympic Park, the pavilion is expected to bring together entrepreneurs and industry leaders from Brazil, the United Kingdom and China to discuss future of business and showcase their products.

Void General Store / Tadu Arquitetura

Void General Store / Tadu Arquitetura - Store, Facade, Table, Chair
© João Duayer
Rio, Brazil

Void General Store / Tadu Arquitetura - Store, TableVoid General Store / Tadu Arquitetura - StoreVoid General Store / Tadu Arquitetura - Store, Table, Lighting, ChairVoid General Store / Tadu Arquitetura - Store, LightingVoid General Store / Tadu Arquitetura - More Images+ 8

Humanidade2012 / Carla Juaçaba + Bia Lessa

Humanidade2012 / Carla Juaçaba + Bia Lessa - Temporary InstallationsHumanidade2012 / Carla Juaçaba + Bia Lessa - Temporary InstallationsHumanidade2012 / Carla Juaçaba + Bia Lessa - Temporary InstallationsHumanidade2012 / Carla Juaçaba + Bia Lessa - Temporary InstallationsHumanidade2012 / Carla Juaçaba + Bia Lessa - More Images+ 32