Toque Toque Grande II House / VD Arquitetura
Hidden Villa / i29 architects
House in Polônia Street / Gabriel Kogan + Guilherme Pianca
Casa Blanca Garden / H2
House # 396 / Architecture Paradigm
Casa da Mata / Marise Calçavara Arquitetura
VPA Townhouse Rehabilitation and Elevation / Tout Va Bien arch...
MIRAFLOR / Camilo Rebelo
Whidbey Uparati House / Wittman Estes
Villa Sidonius / Stempel & Tesar Architekti
Dragon House / architecten
Passive House Lliçà de Vall / Arquitectura Local
The Lantern House / NAW Studio
H House / Margot Aurensan Architecte
The Frame Residence / Paradigm Design House
House of Dancing Cactus / art & architecture
G House / PIN Architects
Twist House / HAGISO
Nogal House / Escobedo Soliz
House in Valderøya / Svingen Arkitektkontor
Kalm Residence / Two Five Five Architects
CR House / LOTE STUDIO + Ignacio Ferreira
Ravine House / OrangeInk Design
BS Hof House / Alpina Architects