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Call For Submissions

International Call For Artists: Public Art Piece in Mexico City

MIRA and MASSIVart invite national and international artists to develop a proposal for a permanent public artwork to be located in the public plaza of MIRA’s latest real estate development in Mexico City: Neuchâtel’s Cuadrante Polanco.

Call for Proposals: Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021

Exploring the evolution of the world’s cities and metropolises, the third edition of the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism (SBAU 2021), will be led by Dominique Perrault. Scheduled to be held from September to November 2021, the biennale entitled “CROSSROADS Building the Resilient City” is holding an International Call for Proposals from May 29th till July 31st, 2020.

Call for Thesis: The Third Manuel de Solà-Morales European Prize 2021

Every two years, the Manuel de Solà-Morales European Prize recognizes the best university research in the field of urbanism carried out by a student granted a PhD.

BIG, Chipperfield, Libeskind: Discover the Internships and Lectures of 2020's "Architecture for Exhibition"

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Due to the recent pandemic situation, for the courses held between September 2020 and January 2021, YAC has taken extraordinary measures to ensure the best performance of its activities and to facilitate access to its courses. In accordance with safety criteria, participation in the courses will be possible through a remote connection. Five scholarships are available for the full cost of enrollment and the full rules of the course are available on YAC's website.

Call for Submission Covid-19 Gestures : Newrealismo

Is a catalogue of gestures in PNG to make people reflect on and perceive the city and the social spaces from a new point of view.

Starting from the resources familiar to them, Lashup decided to contribute creatively by documenting the experiences of people living the social spaces at the time of a global health emergency.

As the Italian Neorealism represented a narrative of reality in Italy after the Second World War, so the project restarts from this concept expanding it from global "NEW" to local "REALISM", considering the impact of the situation on the whole

Call for Submissions : Herewearch Journal Issue #01 : Co -Times

Call for Submissions: Herewearch Journal Issue #01 : Co -Times

Hello all !

//about us

Herewearch is an independent student platform that is shaped by theme of design students sharing. We believe that design is powered by sharing by its nature. We want to take this sharing level one step further and we are pleased to announce that we decided to create an annual publication. This publication will find itself a separate place on our platform and each of our journals will be turned into an online magazine and shared on different platforms. Also, we would like to indicate that we will

Call For Submissions: Sustainable Revolution

As reaction to the unprecedented moment that we are all experiencing, Zuecca Projects has decided to launch its first ever Open Call, on the theme of Sustainable Architecture and Design.

The International Call for Submission “Sustainable Revolution” is open to Architecture and Engineering Firms, Designers, Projects and Companies that are forward looking into the future and offering sustainable solutions and possibilities to the New World we will go to inhabit from here on out.

Selected projects and submissions will be included in the exhibition “Sustainable Revolution” organized by Zuecca Projects in Venice, from August 28 to October 30, 2020. Hosted at Squero

Call for Submissions // Disc*2020 Is Going Remote!

Disc*2020 (Design & Innovation for Sustainable Cities) is a five week summer program for currently enrolled college students that explores an interdisciplinary and multi-scalar approach to design and analysis in the urban environment.

Now, more than ever, there is a need for Resilient Design and Planning in our cities in response to the unprecedented challenges of the global pandemic, climate change, and social inequities. Disc* brings together interdisciplinary students and expert practitioners from around the world to reframe these challenges as opportunities for design innovation.

As we move to remote learning this summer, we will utilize immersive technology including virtual

Call for Submissions // 2020 Summer [IN]SITU: A Virtual Summer Institute in Environmental Design

UC Berkeley's College of Environmental Design is now accepting applications for the 2020 Summer [IN]SITU:  A Virtual Summer Institute in Environmental Design.

The Summer Institute gives participants the opportunity to test their enthusiasm for the material and culture of architecture, landscape architecture and sustainable city planning.

The Institute is geared towards post-baccalaureate participants with no previous experience in design, or experienced designers who wish to explore an aspect of environmental design outside of their primary discipline.

The Institute consists of four cohorts:

[IN]ARCH ADV is an advanced studio for current students or recent alumni of architecture programs. It places emphasis on an iterative process

New Call for Submissions for Monu #33 - Pandemic Urbanism

When in 2009 Jacob Ross Boswell, in his article "Dystopic Verdure" in MONU #11 on "Clean Urbanism", introduced the topic of diseases, such as malaria, cholera, tuberculosis, yellow fever, and typhus etc, and how they had impacted urban landscapes and the shape of cities in the past, we were very intrigued and considered dedicating an entire issue on this topic. Particularly fascinating were his elaborations on how, by the second half of the 19th Century, urban designers and landscape architects such as Daniel Burnham, Frederick Law Olmsted, and a host of other architects, planners, and landscape architects collaborated with medical

Call for Papers for CANactions Magazine Edition 02. Земля | The Land

CANactions School launches the Call for Papers for CANactions Magazine Edition 02 'ЗЕМЛЯ І THE LAND'. It is meant to explore "LAND" and its inhabitants to collect and share with the world the most actual and relevant portrait of contemporary post-socialist states countryside.

You are welcome to submit your abstracts before 30 May 2020. CANactions Magazine Edition 02 will be published on the 20th of August 2020.
Call for Papers for CANactions Magazine Edition 02: ЗЕМЛЯ | THE LAND

CANactions Magazine—a quarterly publication of essays, articles, and interviews by critical and engaged professionals of a wide range of fields and young creative thinkers

Call for Submissions: Catalyst Pedagogies and the Pandemic Displacement of Architectural Education

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on higher education institutions and in particular delivery of design and architectural education. The co-presence of educators and students and creating affordances for physical and material spatial experiences, as well as collaborative work, has long been at the heart of architectural education and its studio culture. This issue aims to capture the imminent changes that this pandemic promises and provide a platform for sharing pedagogic experiences, practices and perspectives for the future of architectural education.

The rapid global transition to a distanced and remote mode of education on the one hand has

Call for Submissions: Loop Design Awards 2020

LOOP Design Awards launches the first edition of its prize in 2020!

LOOP is an open platform to creativity and talent, where all the designers may showcase their best projects, giving them great visibility around the world. We want to celebrate and honor diversity with remarkable projects globally.

The LOOP Design Awards 2020 is open to Architects and Interior Designers from all over the world. Either you are a well established studio or just started your career, LOOP will value all your talent through all its different prize categories.
Projects must be completed in the past five years (since 1 January 2015).

For its

Call for Submissions: QA-rant-N

Dear Sir or Madam

We are the QUELLE ARCHITECTURE collective, a group of three architects.

We have taken part in international architectural competitions, have been awarded and published, notably in the BIM FRANCE 2016, 2017, 2018, Young Architect Competition 2019 and Europan 2019 competitions.

We recently launched a participatory study open to all on the impact of the containment we are experiencing. This study would be a collection of ideas, drawings, texts, models..., making it possible to show how everyone imagine their future home or the ideal dwelling in which to live their confinement. To do this we propose two models that

Living in a Pandemic State: How Interiors Face Isolation

Living in a pandemic state: how interiors face to isolation

INNER MAGAZINE – The Interior Architecture Magazine n. 4
ISSN: 2611 - 3872 (Online)
The spread of the new Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is forcing to change rapidly our lives, and this pandemic scenario won’t last for a little time. Gideon Lichfield in his article in the MIT Technology Review state that this situation will probably last for 18 months. Many scientists, moreover, are convinced that this is just the first of many pandemias that we will face in the next future.
This sudden change is striking in the domestic space and in the public/public interior.

Write On 2020: a Themed Writing Workshop

All are invited to apply to Write ON 2020: a themed writing workshop with a focus on togetherness in the built environment.

In a time of unprecedented change, where is the way forward in supporting our neighbours and communities? What openings can we find to make up for lost time in seeking to re-connect with the land? What memories or histories can we draw from in order to remake our support networks even more open and caring? And finally, what might creative process offer?

Write ON is about words. And about contemporary expressions of visual form.

The workshop includes four writing sessions and work with an individual mentor to develop a piece of

Call for Submissions: The Urban Rhetoric/Issue 2/September 2020

“The Urban Rhetoric” is a bi-annual initiative by Innovature Research and Design Studio [IRDS] to create a platform for discussion and act as a catalyst in recreating the future of urbanism and urban development in India. We aim to do so with the help of an academic magazine with essays that inspire the agenda for future urbanism. A city is not just defined by the planners and architects that build it, but also by the users that occupy it. Thus, through this initiative we strive to make these parallels meet by reinforcing the interactions between decision makers and

Think Nonument! Together

Architects! Artists! Researchers! Art Historians! Activists! Writers! Photographers!

For the last two years, the Nonument Group has researched and intervened into the changed circumstances of twentieth-century architecture and monuments. We defined nonuments as twentieth-century architecture, monuments, public spaces and infrastructural projects that have lost or undergone a shift in symbolic meaning as a consequence of political and social changes. We unveiled a wealth of stories from the past, physical remains and intangible traces, as well as many absurdities of the present, unseen ideological forces and newly formed fascinations.

The neologism Nonument denotes negation; but there are as many ways to negate an

Open Call: We Need New Concepts

OPEN CALL: Spring-Summer 2020 Concepts

INST, a new iniciative for the dissemination of the cultural dimensión of architecture, invites everyone to participate on its launch exercise.

We need new concepts.

INST’s launch exercise seeks to create a collection of new foundational concepts for the project that is just beginning.

INST calls for the invention of neologisms capable of naming new realities, behaviors, desires and architectures. Binge, bitcoin, burnout, drone, follower, fracking, hacker, hashtag, hipster, meme, cloud, post, procrastination, selfie, timeline, wearable, workaholic are examples of words or meanings that have emerged in the face of new phenomena that demand to be named, and that

Call for Submissions: One Free Project During Lockdown

It is a challenging time for the industry.
Lots of architectural projects are being frozen or delayed indefinitely due to the global circumstances.

In MARTA we don’t want to stand back!
Within mutually beneficial we would like to push the situation and help both:
▪️architects — to push projects with inspiring images
▪️us — to create great artwork for the portfolio

We are offering to create up to 3 high-end visualizations of an architectural project for free.

To take part, please, follow the steps below:

1. Send us a small presentation of your project. Be simple and clear. You can send it to our mail hello@marta.pictures Or

The Life Cycles of Women in Architecture

Leveraging this moment’s elevated awareness of the experiences of women in the workplace, and building on the collective action of multiple waves of women’s activism before us, we aim to create a space for dialogue. This initiative acknowledges and is motivated by the historical exclusion of women from the shaping of our environments and the minimizing of their contributions. The main objective is to provide a platform to ask what it means to be a woman in architecture, and through collaboration and exploration propose how it can be different.

Call for entries:
Rather than spotlighting the accomplishments of prominent individuals, WOMENWHODESIGN.ORG examines

The Revenge of the Real: Open Call

Strelka Institute’s The Terraforming program is an interdisciplinary design research think-tank convened to preemptively address issues of planetary urbanism. The name refers to the need to fundamentally transform Earth’s cities, technologies, and ecosystems to ensure that the planet will be capable of supporting Earth-like life. Artificiality, astronomy, and automation form the basis of that alternative planetarity. With the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns, what began as speculative has become real-time.

The Homescape; the New Commute

Today an estimated 900 million people are confined to their homes in 35 countries worldwide. With the world reverting to home working a global-scale experiment is in full swing, one which instantly asks us to reconsider not only the space of the office, but rather the home and its role within our contemporary society and us, its citizens. For the last few decades architecture has continuously challenged the space of the office allowing for alternative models to emerge. In the last decade alone we have witnessed the rise and advent of co-working and of the campus. In 2019 an estimated

Call for Submissions: Observations, Visions, and Considerations on the Impact of the Corona-crisis on the Built Environment

The format is open and can be both text and illustration, however, please write in either English or Danish. The incoming contributions will be published on our web and Facebook pages.

Streetlife has been suspended, freedom of assembly has been radically restricted, and most institutions and workplaces are closed down, while social and professional relations are confined to digital platforms. To an extreme extent, the home and the nation-state have become guiding frameworks for our everyday lives. National borders are closing while new biological, bodily defined borders have arisen by dictate. Over a short period of time, a new system of

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