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Architecture Competitions

ZAHA Degrees - Iceland, Reykjavik - Traveller's Pods And Carnival Centre

ZAHA is an Arabic word meaning clear, pure, beautiful, to blossom and to flow in all degrees like the nature does and have a language and a form which emerges as the most beautiful and the attractive one.

In this competition you are not allowed to use any right angles, just as the name suggests the clear and pure form, the lines and the form should flow marvelously.

Your imagination should travel in all the degrees but surely meet at one where the journey of the lines becomes a form which is a total bliss.


Publication: Top 20 winners will be published

Smart Garden

We are happy to announce the first open international competition “Smart Garden” in the field of architecture and landscape design.

The competition is aimed at supporting the new ideas in the field of landscape design and developing of the innovative technologies in creating a “smart” eco-garden that will improve urban environment.

Participants should propose a garden that would embody the best ideas for landscape design and be energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and beautiful for people.

An international jury will evaluate the works. The winners will get the possibility to demonstrate their works during the IX Festival of Gardens and Flowers in Moscow

MiG Prize 2020

MiG Prize 2020

The Context
The Michel Gelrubin Architecture Prize is designed to bring out new talents by giving
students an opportunity for international recognition.
The collaboration of famous architects and designers such as Jean Nouvel, Ora Ito, Philippe Maidenberg, Daniel Bismut, Kobi Karp, Jean Michel Wilmotte, Daniel Libeskind, Eran Neuman, Dafna Matok and Roy Kozlovaky inspires and motivates students to present their projects to these great names involved in contemporary architecture.

Open internationally, the Prize is awarded annually to honor students whose work
demonstrates a combination of vision and talent in the art of architecture and planning.

Founded in 2013 by Leslie and Samuel Gelrubin

Open Call for Ideas: Workplaces for Tomorrow

Whether we are passionate about our work or just want to earn a living; whether we work for ourselves or for someone we’ll never meet; whether we work with our hands, our heart, or our mind; whether we work sitting down, standing up, inside, outside, during the day, at night, in a business suit or in a boiler suit: work plays a central role in all our lives.

In France, the service sector now accounts for more than 76% of jobs, compared to just 40% in the early 1960s. Agriculture and industry mechanized, then automated. Construction is likely to become automated

Open Call for 24H Competition: 32nd Edition

Ideasforward it is an international platform for competitions that aims to connect ideas from different areas of society in order to help transform cities and make them increasingly self-sustaining, efficient and green.
We are looking for innovative ideas and new ways of thinking.
In a global emergency period, it is increasingly important that we think global.
This is the space
Here, you can try and experiment, everything is possible!

A place where the time limit is used to stimulate your creativity.
This contest aims to present 24-hour architectural responses to the problems affecting cities today and consecutively the world, with

Open Call: Cool Abu Dhabi Challenge

The Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT) of Abu Dhabi invites you to participate in a global creative ideas competition to improve outdoor thermal comfort in public spaces by mitigating the impact of the Urban Heat Island Effect in the city. The competition is open to all; but is specifically looking for designers, architects, engineers, landscape architects, material scientists, educators, researchers, students, artists and/or inter-disciplinary teams from across the globe, to contribute. The winning entries will represent the most original and innovative ideas that attempt to reduce Heat Island Effect in a prototypical urban site in Abu Dhabi through design

Open Call: At the Venice Biennale Summer School

3rd June – 1st September 2020
The School for Curatorial Studies is an ambitious and challenging project promoted since 2004 and conceived as a school committed to experimentation and interdisciplinary thinking. The main goals are to spread the knowledge in the field of visual arts and to introduce the students to the professions related to the art world, focusing on contemporary curatorial theory and practice and contemporary museology.
The School’s activities are meant for all those interested and passionate in art, graduated students or professionals who want to deepen

Open Call: EASA Apathy 2020

European Architecture Student Assembly (EASA) is an international voluntary network of architecture students, whose goal is the free exchange of ideas and to cultivate more radical architectural practices.
We are now happy to announce an Open Call for anyone interested taking part in the summer school as a participant or a tutor of a workshop.
The main output of EASA is the annual summer school, where workshops, lectures and seminars dissect the central theme chosen for the specific assembly. It is a platform for 600 architecture students and young professionals to question architecture, experiment and play with space and discuss the future

Open Call: Feminist House


While meeting the German chancellor Angela Merkel who is arguably one of the world's most powerful women, Nigeria's President, Muhammadu Buhari made the above statement in response to a journalist’s question. Rather than dwell over Mr Buhari’s response, this competition of ideas aims to esteem the kitchen's essential function which supplies food and life to both sexes even if one seems derided.

Furthermore, the esteeming of the Kitchen runs a commentary on the future of the home: how the Kitchen is the last bastion of surviving rooms in the dying notion of a home because of the

GRAFT Travel Grant 2020 on the topic CLIMATE CHANGE

GRAFT and Marianne Birthler announce a second round of Graft Travel Grants
All Details and application forms >>> www.graftlab.com/fellowship

2018 marked the 28th anniversary of the fall of the inner German border wall and the point at which the Wall had been gone for exactly as long as it had existed. GRAFT and Marianne Birthler, the curators of the German Pavilion at the 16th Architecture Biennale in Venice, took this parallel as an opportunity to explore the topic of “UNBUILDING WALLS”. Following on from the exhibition and the issues it raised, the curators announced two Travel Grants with a value of 3000

Public Space: the Real and the Ideal

The International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture (ISPA) is happy to announce the keynote speakers confirmed thus far at its 5th Biennial conference, Public Space: the Real and the Ideal, set to take place from the 2nd to the 5th of August 2020 at Monte Verità, Switzerland.

Kenneth Frampton (Columbia University)
Chantal Mouffe (University of Westminster)
Sarah Whiting (Harvard University; WW Architecture)
Sven-Olov Wallenstein (Södertörn University)
Margaret Crawford (UC Berkeley)

Given the significant scholarly interest around the work of each one of our keynotes, we have decided to grant a two-week extension for those who wish to participate on their account. The final

2020 Sherwin-Williams Student Design Challenge

The 2020 Sherwin-Williams Student Design Challenge is now open and accepting residential and commercial project submissions through March 15. This year’s annual competition marks a decade of Sherwin-Williams inviting students to create award-winning interior renderings for a chance to win cash prizes, receive national recognition and celebrate their excellence in design.

“Over the past 10 years, Sherwin-Williams has had the pleasure of supporting the next generation of interior designers and architects through the Student Design Challenge, and we continue to be blown away by their talent,” said Sue Wadden, director of color marketing at Sherwin-Williams. “The upcoming decade brings

Ragdale Ring Competition


Ragdale, the nationally acclaimed artist residency program in Lake Forest, Illinois, invites architects, artists, and designers to apply for the opportunity to design, build, and exhibit the 2020 Ragdale Ring, a temporary theatre to house summer concerts, performances, and events. We are seeking inventive, site-responsive, large-scale submissions that explore intersections of architecture, sculpture, landscape, public art, and performance disciplines. Proposals that consider contemporary, fanciful, and functional interpretations of the original Ragdale Ring, designed by architect Howard Van Doren Shaw

Micro Scapes – Micro Jardines Tácticos

MICROSCAPES is an international architecture, art, and design competition organized by the Inter-American Development Bank and the Municipality of Rio Negro, Uruguay, in Fray Bentos, an ex-industrial site declared UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2015.
The objective of the competition is to activate an open space within the
industrial complex to enhance its historical, cultural and touristic value.
Architects, designers, landscapers, craftsmen, citizens, businessmen, are
invited to propose an ephemeral installation for one of the central spaces
of the area; a tactical project that may become a place of encounter, rest,
contemplation, recreation, for the residents and visitors of Fray Bentos.

The competition is open to

Black and White Show

Grey Cube Gallery proudly presents the first Black & White Show for the month of February 2020. Contest is open to all artists worldwide over 18 years of age. Entries must include the black and white or shades of gray as the primary focus. All visual art mediums (except video and sound) are allowed. The Best of Show winning artwork will be displayed as the poster of the show. All wining artists ( Merit Award & Honorable Mention) will receive a digital award certificate. The application fee is $16 for the 2 images of artwork. You may enter more than

Tamayouz International Graduation Projects Award

Tamayouz is delighted to invite students of architecture, urban design, urban planning, architecture technology and landscape design worldwide to register and submit their graduation projects. An independent international jury will review all entries and select the winners of Tamayouz International Graduation Projects Award.

The purpose of this architectural design award is to recognise the excellence in architectural design and education worldwide and showcase excellent architectural examples to promote and provoke architectural debate to share architectural experience and knowledge among young architects and academics.

​Aims and Objectives of Tamayouz International Award
- Aims to recognise and reward excellence in architectural design and education.

Open Call: 2A City Architecture Movie Awards 2020

We celebrate movies demonstrating ancient, contemporary, and modern architecture, representing a blend of talent, idea, vision, as well as commitment. The 2A City – Architecture Movie Awards provide critics, theorists, and architectural philosophers with a new median for architectural expression as well as discussion.

Open Art Show

Grey Cube Gallery proudly presents the first Open Show for the month of February 2020. Contest is open to all artists worldwide over 18 years of age. There is NO theme in this contest and all visual art mediums (except video and sound) are allowed. The Best of Show winning artwork will be displayed as the poster of the show. All wining artists ( Merit Award & Honorable Mention) will receive a digital award certificate. The application fee is $16 for the 2 images of artwork. You may enter more than once. The deadline to submit entries is the

Best Office Awards 2020 – Call for Submissions

OfficeNext announced the launch of its 11th annual international competition for best corporate interior projects.
Best Office Awards has been held since 2010 and it is the main Russian professional award in the field of corporate interiors design. Russian and foreign office projects are denoted with this award and the prize is given to the office architect and customer tandem.
Every year more than 150 projects take part in the Award. Since it was established Best Office Awards — considerate prestigious and important event for a lot of top russian and international companies like Microsoft, Unilever, Sap, Google, Pernod Ricard, YE, Raffaizenbank,

Open Call: Workshop for SESAM 2020 Poliklinika

Call for workshop tutors for SESAM 2020 Poliklinika is now officially open! The event will take place between 28th May and 7th June 2020 in Slavutych, Ukraine.

Anyone studying or working in the field of architecture, or any other area of expertise closely related to spatial practices, anywhere in the World, can apply by submitting a single pdf file in English to easaukraine@gmail.com by Feb 17, 23:59 Slavutych TIME (EET, GMT +2).

Call for Papers: International Conference "Sense of Past and Sense of Place. Designing Heritage Tourism"

In all its multiple meanings the word heritage refers to what we inherit from the past, both in material and immaterial sense.

Some authors speak about heritage as a sense of past, meant as a form of past self-awareness, as a collective experience and as an essential dimension of a culture. Some other authors believe that the idea of heritage deals with the ability to put the contemporary human signs into an historical perspective, so developing a sense of place, that is the place’s value and meaning.
Therefore, heritage can be intended as sense of past and sense of place together.
The heritage’s

2020 AIA National Photography Competition

The competition is open to any and all architects actively registered in the United States. The contest is also open to Associate members of the AIA, and student members of AIAS in good standing. Professional Affiliate or Allied members are not eligible. Entries submitted by ineligible individuals will not be processed; images will not be returned and no refund of the entry fee will be made.

Entry Fees – Each entry fee allows you to enter up to five images
● Entry fee for AIA members (AIA) is $35.00
● Entry fee for Associate members (Associate AIA) is $30.00.

UrbanactionsHK - International Public Spaces Competition

This international competition challenges undergraduate students of schools of architecture, landscape, urban planning and design to propose alternative and innovative design schemes to revitalise four public open spaces in the Central district of Hong Kong. In cities today, public space development projects require a flexible approach; no single strategy can address the specific needs of every community or the unique conditions of each public space. What’s the role of public spaces in the contemporary city? How to create an inclusive and vibrant space where the community can be fully represented? How can urban design encourage social interactions between different users?

Call for Submissions: 5th Istanbul Design Biennial Kitchen Programme

Organised by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) and curated by Mariana Pestana, the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial will take place on 26 September – 8 November 2020. To be held with the title Empathy Revisited: designs for more than one, the biennial invites everyone from around the world to respond to the open call.

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