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Architecture Competitions

Pandemic Architecture Ideas Competition Open Call

Pandemic Architecture International Ideas Competition

curated by Vassilios Bartzokas for the Design Ambassador, Organized by ARCHISEARCH.gr

Assistant Curator: Tina Marinaki, Editor in Chief ARCHISEARCH.gr

“Extraordinary times” require extraordinary design.
What Can Architecture Do for our Health?

On 17 November 2019, a COVID-19 case was first reported in Wuhan, Hubei, China. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a pandemic, as over 138,000 cases have been confirmed in more than 130 countries and territories and at least 3,300 people have died from the disease.

Over the course of a few days, the lives of millions of people have drastically changed.


#022 Uyuni Salt Flat Shelter

The Uyuni Salt Flat Shelter contest seeks a re-encounter with nature and with the human being within solitude Acceleration, instantaneousness, immediacy, technologization ... The daily life of the human being has been subsumed under synchronous devices such as watches and mobile phones, generating a stressed society, which has lost all trace of its biological temporality and of its life in common with the middle. Here in the salar, all the technology disappears. All computerization is not possible. Can a project promote other ways of life that are more leisurely, relaxed and in relation to nature? Can architecture give us the

Open Call: Design Innovation Competition 2020

DI-2020 stands for Design and Innovation in 2020. The design competition is open to both concept projects, as well as realized projects by young design and tech professionals worldwide. International Talent Competition DI-2020 is about finding and celebrating talent that blurs boundaries between design, tech and business.


Please submit your proposal on a single page (4962 x 4961 px) with 200-500 words text outlining:
1. What is your proposal?
2. What problem does it solve? 
3. Why your solution is unique?
4. How do you see your solution being implemented now and in the span of the next 3-5 years?
5. Add 1-5 visuals

Future Ready: Survival Now + Next

Future Ready: Survival Now + NEXT

An Open Call

Throughout time, humans have developed essentials for survival—tools, kits and constructions for making it out of dire predicaments alive—anticipating the inconceivable.

As the world faces the unprecedented of the climate crisis and pandemics, impacts will vary over time and with the ability of different societal and environmental systems to mitigate or adapt. Human lifeways and ecosystems will be changed.

We seek images, ideas, words and inventions as well as survival manuals or proposals for constructions and installations—all for future readiness, whether practical, imaginative or speculative. We invite ideas ranging across all forms of knowledge and

Call for Submissions: Observations, Visions, and Considerations on the Impact of the Corona-crisis on the Built Environment

The format is open and can be both text and illustration, however, please write in either English or Danish. The incoming contributions will be published on our web and Facebook pages.

Streetlife has been suspended, freedom of assembly has been radically restricted, and most institutions and workplaces are closed down, while social and professional relations are confined to digital platforms. To an extreme extent, the home and the nation-state have become guiding frameworks for our everyday lives. National borders are closing while new biological, bodily defined borders have arisen by dictate. Over a short period of time, a new system of

Call for Entries: Food Academy Logo

CODE - COmpetitions for DEsigners - and the Municipality of Castelfranco Emilia launch FOOD ACADEMY LOGO, a call for ideas to design the logo for a high-level hub for food culture in the enchanting Villa Sorra. The winners will be selected by a jury made of renowned professionals with the likes of Ale Giorgini, Armando Milani, Alberto Moreu, Tanino Liberatore, Giovanni Avosani. A total cash prize of € 2,000 will be awarded to the winning projects.

Open Call: UIA HYP Cup 2020 International Student Competition in Architectural Design

UIA-HYP CUP 2020 International Student Competition in Architectural Design
Theme: Architecture in Transformation
Topic: City Puzzle & Puzzle City
Jury Chairman: Wolf D. Prix
Registration Deadline: 24:00(GMT+8) August 30th, 2020
Submission Deadline: 24:00(GMT+8) September 20th, 2020
Jury Review: October 2020

Architecture in Transformation should respond to contemporary challenges and changes. What concerns us primarily is the relationship between architecture and city, as well as the one between architecture and natural environment. The competition aims at searching and constructing human space with a Spirit of Place in the increasingly fragmented cities and unordered villages, exploring environment-friendly and sustainable ideas in the information age, and integrating creative concepts

Calivigny Garden Guest Houses International Architecture Ideas Competition

This international one-stage architecture ideas competition invites all architects,
landscape architects and designers, students and professionals with a degree in
architecture, landscape architecture and design studies to develop and submit great ideas for the design of a residential complex (Guest Houses) located at the Calivigny Garden, St. George, Grenada. West Indies.
It is essential that each design proposal emphasizes and celebrates the site and
surrounded area close to the Calivigny Harbor at South of the site, being a harbor
surrounded by mangroves.

The Calivigny Garden Guest Houses offers a unique experience for residential design dedicated to visitants for short-term and long-term periods, in the middle of

Open Call: HOME: Design Your Dream

‘’Home is where the heart is.”

Our home will always be the place for which we feel the deepest affection, no matter where we are. Home is our ‘little world’ where we dream of getting condensed after a hard day at work.’ Home is the place where we desire to be after a long vacation, to be able to feel the warmth of the walls surrounding us. Home is a very important link between a man and his idea of safety. It is the envelope that represents privacy, comfort and stability in our lives. It is that one

CFAD20 - LIMITOGRAPHY: A Manifesto of an Extroverted Architecture

LIBRARY ILLUSTRAZIONI is a cultural association born with the aim of promoting graphic research in Architecture, stimulating its cultural production up to the limits of the discipline.

At this critical moment in time, LIBRARY is promoting a special edition of CFAD to support the WHO (World Health Organization) in response to the Covid-19 pandemic through the “Solidarity Response Fund”.

“Call for Architecture Drawings” is a contest that focuses its attention on graphic research, through reflections and themes from current issues, literature, philosophy and other disciplines in dialogue with Architecture. Each participant is invited to produce an illustration aimed at representing a thought,

International Drawing Competition


Archue – A complete Architecture Platform presents ‘International Drawing Competition’.

Our first competition celebrating the talent of architecture and design students and young professionals through a single drawing.

This competition is in no way limited to architecture and we very much welcome those from other arts and design industries.

At Archue we truly believe in the power of a drawing to communicate and represent more than what you see on the surface and are excited to judge an array of innovative and high quality works.

You can submit any drawing be it an axonometric, Isometric, 3D render, Visualisation or Sketch. Drawings can be

Study at Gropius' Bauhaus Dessau - Call for Submissions

COOP Design Research M.Sc. Program

Design research in cooperation with the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences and the Cluster of Excellence “Matters of Activity. Image Space Material” at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

More than any other institution, the Bauhaus Dessau expressed a modern understanding of design that took a sceptical view of antiquated design traditions and substituted these with direct research into materials and the innovative potentials of technology and science.

Since then, design has been perceived as a cooperative discipline that synthesises diverse aspects of knowledge. Since Autumn 2014 the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and Anhalt University of

[Trans-] fiction 2020 :: Journal / Call for Submissions

narrative / parable / fantasy

“At every moment in our lives we all have one foot in a fairytale and the other in the abyss.”

- the Mad Hatter, Alice in Wonderland

“The idea of applying a narrative filter – to both built and conceptual projects – became another way to look at and critique design ideas.”

- Alan Maskin

“Imagination is the means of deep insight and sympathy, the power to conceive and express images removed from normal objective reality.”

- William Wordsworth


“Architecture is the materialization of concepts.”

A Concept is something conceived of in the

Call for Submissions: Inspireli Awards

Fight for the second entry to the finals of the world's largest student competition. Upload your school project by the end of March.
Second of three wild card votes from the " Presentation quality" points of view.

Submissions Deadline: March 31, 2020!

The winners of this vote will advance to the finals and thus automatically achieved as the minimum of the 2nd place!
Register NOW: https://www.inspireli.com/en/awards/

INSPIRELI AWARDS is the world's largest global student contest in Architecture, Urban Design and Landscape, and Interior Design, which in 2019 involved 136 countries. INSPIRELI AWARDS are enabling new talents to tell their stories and raise awareness about their

Call for Entries: Announcement on the International Architecture Design Competition of Guoshen Museum (Tentative Name)

Located in Unit 8, Qianwan Area, Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, Shenzhen, the land area of this project is around 32,600 square meters, and the gross floor area is 120,000 square meters (including underground). The International Architecture Design Competition of Guoshen Museum is hereby kicked off. Chinese and foreign excellent designers and professional teams are invited, to build the Guoshen Museum into a modern large comprehensive museum and city business card that reaches the first class in China and even the world and becomes a centurial classic.

Open Call to 24h Competition 34th Edition - Hope

IF it is an international platform for competitions that aims to connect ideas from different areas of society in order to help transform cities and make them increasingly self-sustaining, efficient and green.
We are looking for innovative ideas and new ways of thinking.
In a global emergency period, it is increasingly important that we think globally.
IF is the space
Here, you can try and experiment, everything is possible!

A place where the time limit is used to stimulate your creativity.
This contest aims to present 24-hour architectural responses to the problems affecting cities and society today and consecutively the

Call for Entries: Transform a Roman Ruin into a Contemporary Art Museum

 | Sponsored Content

The second edition of the cultural project Reuse Italy promotes an international architecture competition on the reuse of Piscina Mirabilis, a Roman reservoir located in the countryside of Naples. The contest is powered by a partnership with ArchDaily, KooZA/rch, 120g, EX32, and with the official support of the Parco Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei, the Minicipality of Bacoli (Naples) and the FAI.

De-Urbanized Epidemics: Re-Design of the Concept of Health in Relation to the Built Environment

Urbanised humans are the most invasive species on Earth, consuming the majority of the planet's resources. In an endless battle with nature, the urban fosters an unhealthy condition resulting in extinctions and planetary crises, endangering the livelihood of both humans and non-humans. Meanwhile, in the contemporary urbanised world, health is interpreted as the temporal psychological and physical condition of a human body. A permanent and holistic conception of (well)being and its widened territory embracing the vitality of the entire nature are often neglected. Health in the urban environment is inscribed in infrastructures, rather than being a generative

Re-draw.02: Open Call Guggenheim Experimental Architecture Representation

The aim of the RE-DRAW competition is to develop one drawing to ‘represent’ an iconic architecture. The participants are asked to draft one image, with absolute freedom of scale, technique and level of abstraction.

We encourage creativity, criticality and innovation. The drawing can highlight functional aspects of the building, showing a deep understanding of one or more design aspects. It can focus on the aesthetic qualities, experimenting and mastering a drawing technique with hyper-realistic outcomes, or it can be an optical deformation, a caricatural interpretation, a distant abstraction of the built architecture.

The drawing can strengthen a conventional interpretation of architecture,

Call for Entries: Whole-process Design of 9-Year School in Guiwan 4th Unit

I. Project Profile

Qianhai lies in the west of Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, sitting on the east bank of the Pearl River Estuary and neighboring Hong Kong. It is planned as a demonstrative zone for in-depth cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, and a new urban center of Shenzhen.

Open Call: 120 Hours - Mini Competition

120 Hours is an architecture competition by students, for students. Each year we create a task, giving students from all over the world 120 hours to answer. Last year, 1556 teams signed onto the competition.

However, because of the situation concerning covid-19, we have decided to delay our usual competition. This will be replaced with 3 individual, mini-competitions. You will be given 120 hours to answer each, and winners will be chosen from all. Of course, as we all are students in dire need of support- there will be a money-prize.

Our goal is to generate creativity and give the

Coronavirus Design Competition


Things aren't going too well right now. Each new day seems to add to the uncertainty about the immediate and long-term impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. Whether you think that people are overreacting or it is truly a global health emergency, one fact is objectively true: Covid-19 has affected billions of lives: if not physically than economically and mentally.

Entire cities in China have been on lockdown for weeks and now Europe faces the same pressures. Behind the news stories that love to flash statistics on infection rates are real people who are uncertain of what this

Call for Entries: OMA NY & DS+R Scholarship

The Arquia Foundation signs an agreement with Architect-US to expand its program to the United States and adds 2 scholarships in New York to their XXI Arquia Scholarships 2020 Call.

The Arquia Foundation signs a collaboration agreement with Architect-US with the aim of expanding the destinations of their scholarships and offering the first Arquia Scholarship in the United States through the companies network of the Architect-US Program.

This new alliance allows accessing the American labor market and a professional experience to students and young graduated architects willing to pursue a professional internship for a year in the United States. The destination

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