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Architecture Competitions

HELMA 2017 – 2018 Architecture in Sport Facilities Design Award

HELMA© 2017 – 2018, ARCHITECTURE IN SPORT FACILITIES DESIGN AWARD is a GLOBAL ARCHITECTURE SPORTS FACILITIES COMPETITION that will bring together architects and designers from both international countries, and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states (http://www.gcc-sg.org).

Call for Entries: Redevel(o)p Design Competition

The world is in the palm of our hand thanks to technological and digital developments of the past two decades. Fast internet, new devices and applications have made us more self-reliant and give us more instant control of our own lives. This also goes for healthcare, a field in which the development of new tools and systems has taken a rapid pace. New products and services assist medical professionals and simplify the lives of clients and patients, enabling them to live their lives more independently.

Call for Entries: Walk On Water Design Challenge

For 28 years, FIU Architecture students have participated-in and celebrated Walk on Water, a race founded and orchestrat­ed by Professor Jaime Canaves. Each student designs and constructs shoes that will allow him/her to walk the length of the Green Lake at the heart of FIU’s Modesto A. Maidique Campus.

Call for Entries: New Center of Borovets Architectural Competition

On the occasion of the commemoration of 120 years since the foundation of Borovets, the oldest mountain resort in Bulgaria, the Municipality of Samokov and its partners - the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria, the Union of Architects in Bulgaria and the Union of Urbanists in Bulgaria -announce an international architectural competition for new central part of the resort.

Fairy Tales 2018: Architecture Storytelling Competition

Over the last four years, the Fairy Tales competition has captured the imagination of designers and architects around the world. Last year's record breaking competition drew over 1,500 participants, making the competition once again the largest annual architecture competition in the world. For its fifth anniversary, Blank Space is proud to partner with the National Building Museum, along with ArchDaily, Archinect, and Bustler.

The Avery Review 2018 Essay Prize

The Avery Review, a journal of critical essays on architecture published by the Office of Publications at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, invites submissions for its first-ever Essay Prize. The call is open to current students and recent graduates, whether in schools of architecture or elsewhere (eligibility details below). In keeping with the mission of the journal, we hope to receive submissions that use the genres of the review and the critical essay to explore the urgent ideas and problems that animate the field of architecture. We’re looking for essays that test and expand the author’s own intellectual commitments—theoretical, architectural, and political—through the work of others.

SINGLEHANDEDLY: Open Call for Submissions

When there are so many powerful computer visualization and drafting programs available, why do architects still draw by hand? What intelligence does the body bring to paper? And what richness do pen and ink bring to a design?

Single-Handedly, a forthcoming book from Princeton Architectural Press (http://www.papress.com), looks closely to find out more, as it celebrates hand drawings by practicing architects worldwide.

If you would like to be considered for inclusion, please complete this online submission form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScvbLCYaZsNsz1wzf5lsJ3yF_ivi-wqVQSAp8f1Se3vAKSzaA/viewform). The deadline for submissions is Friday, December 1, 2017, 11:59 p.m.

Please limit your submissions to drawings that are solely produced by hand; no computer-generated

Call for Submissions: PLAT 7.0

Many of the physical spaces that architects, landscape architects, urbanists, and engineers design are inherently locales of joint access and participation. Such long-existing typologies of sharing include plazas, living rooms, libraries, waiting areas, museums, and cohousing schemes. The built environment serves as the platform within which myriad sociological, cultural, and technological forces share legal parameters and broader audiences. Today, digitally-based platforms, supported by vast physical infrastructures, facilitate new types of exchange. Such platforms bring about liberating possibilities to actualize transnational networks that coalesce around food, shelter, transportation, and talent. Yet, for every emancipatory path an equally restrictive one exists. Digitally-mediated sharing can serve as a mask for diffuse forms of financialization and extraction in spatial domains that traditionally conducted their day-to-day operations outside of the flows of global capital.

Open Call: Campus Prague (New Headquarters of Česká spořitelna)

The biggest Czech bank is building its new headquarters – changing a brownfield neighbouring Prague’s historical core – supporting creation of a fresh, liveable city district – forming contemporary environment for its employees, visitors and inhabitants of Prague.

Call for Ideas: Sahara Eco House

reTH!NKING team is delighted to introduce the new competition Sahara Eco House, The competition consists of the realization of a project that provides a new concept of housing in the existing environment based on the concepts of use of passive techniques that will provide a home with comfort and sufficient architectural quality.

Call for Submissions: WinterStations 2018 – RIOT

WinterStations is now embarking on its fourth year, again opening up an international design competition to bring temporary public art installations to The Beaches, an exhibition to celebrate Toronto's winter waterfront landscape.

Are.na Research Platform Launches Grant Scheme

Are.na Grants is a new initiative to support research, writing, and other creative projects that are being developed and built on Are.na. For the first set of grants, we are especially interested in projects that address issues around the shifting nature of “knowledge work,” algorithmic governance, and networked learning, though proposals of all kinds are welcome.

Open Call: Cartasia International Paper Biennale

cartasia, the international paper Biennale, is looking for artists and designers from around the world to collaborate and create works of art, sculptures, exhibitions and performances, through the medium of paper and following the theme chosen for the next edition: Chaos and Silence. Cartasia takes place in the beautiful city of Lucca between August and September 2018.

Open Call: Architecturally Educated

Architecturally Educated invites you to submit content to a new publication. The folly of architecturally education has begun to crumble. Overworked, underpaid and some may argue unnecessary, the profession of architecture has many questions to ask over the next 10 years. We believe these questions should first be posed to Architectural Education. An old decrepit model little changed since 1958, Architectural Education sets students up to fail, teaching very few practical skills which can be implemented in the real world. Instead it wallows in a void, somewhere between artistic representation and narrative’. Any quick google search for the term “Architectural Education” would reveal the state of the system with all top results returning calls for upheaval and overhaul.

Call for Entries: Tomorrow's Challenges in Today's Buildings

Designing Buildings Wiki have joined forces with BSRIA to launch a new competition looking for fresh and innovative ideas in response to the question: How can tomorrow's challenges be met by today's buildings?

Call for Submissions: Paprika Vol. III, Issue 07

Edges, whether defining physical space or conceptual territories, provide a charged zone for interaction. The edge—solid or porous, fixed or fluctuating—formalizes difference and shapes relationships between different groups. The articulation of these zones becomes a political act, bringing conditions to public view, creating allegiances or separations, and generating dissonance through heterogeneity.

Call for Poster Submissions: Urban Green Infrastructure EUGIC

EUGIC 2017 Budapest—interactive, dynamic, exciting—urban green infrastructure leaders share nature-based solutions for cities. Global practitioners, local experts, projects from Europe and around the world.

Call for Submissions: Photography Exhibition, 2018 Venice Biennale

Held during the Venice Biennale, photographers are invited to submit for consideration their work showcasing architecture. 
No exhibition fees; application fees apply.

Call for Papers: The International Journal of Environmental Science & Sustainable Development (ESSD)

The International Journal of Environmental Science & Sustainable Development (ESSD) is calling for papers for its third issue titled Environmental Sustainability: Methods for Green Energy Management.

"Eating" – Alternative Designs for Restaurants

The aim of the “Eating” competition is to develop a design proposal for the restaurant typology, intended as a place of preparation and consumption of food. It is asked to the participants to create innovative and unconventional projects on this theme, questioning the very basis of the notion of the restaurant.

Call for Entries: The Sixth Annual Stanford White Awards

Focusing on excellence in classical and new traditional design, the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art’s (ICAA) Stanford White Awards recognize achievement in architecture, interiors, landscape, urbanism, and building craftsmanship & artisanship throughout New York, New Jersey, and Fairfield County, Connecticut. The awards program is named for Stanford White (1853-1906), of the distinguished New York firm McKim, Mead & White, whose legacy of design excellence and creativity in architecture and the related arts continues to serve as a source of inspiration and delight.

Call for Submissions for Research Funding (BOVA Network)

Durham University and University College London are pleased to announce the establishment of a new multi-disciplinary research network called the BOVA (Building out vector-borne diseases in sub-Saharan Africa) Network. The Network, funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in the fields of the built environment and insect-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue.

Open Call for the 12th Arte Laguna Prize

The Arte Laguna Prize is an international art competition aimed at promoting and enhancing contemporary art. The contest stands out in the global art scene for the variety of its partnerships and opportunities offered to artists and designers, and is recognized worldwide as a real springboard for the artists’ career.

ACA's 5th International Design Competition - Inhabiting Nature


"The idea of using development as an engine to protect open space, strengthen communities, reduce auto-mobile use and even restore damaged ecosystems is an exciting one.... It will require a paradigm shift to move society 'from thinking the best it can do is to minimize negative impact, toward a view in which development is seen as both contributing to the growth of healthy human communities while simultaneously restoring (not merely sustaining) the natural environment. '"
- Alex Wilson, Green Development, 1998

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