Perched House / Studio BO

Perched House / Studio BO - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Countertop, Shelving, Windows, ChairPerched House / Studio BO - Interior Photography, Bathroom, Bathtub, SinkPerched House / Studio BO - Interior Photography, Dining room, Table, WindowsPerched House / Studio BO - Exterior PhotographyPerched House / Studio BO - More Images+ 12

  • Architects: Studio BO
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  335
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2022
  • Photographs
    Photographs:Alessio Mei
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Creavit, Sanyccess
  • Lead Architect: Benmoussa Omar
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Perched House / Studio BO - Exterior Photography
© Alessio Mei

Text description provided by the architects. The project takes place in the old colonial center of Casablanca, close to the biggest public park in the city and the splendid “sacré coeur” church. This penthouse crossing has a 360-degree view of also the old harbor and the Hassan II Mosque.

Perched House / Studio BO - Interior Photography, Bathroom, Bathtub, Sink
© Alessio Mei
Perched House / Studio BO - Image 16 of 17
Perched House / Studio BO - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Countertop, Shelving, Windows, Chair
© Alessio Mei

Because of some low stand beam, the idea of this rehabilitation was to curve every obstacle to have this kind of spider web hung and engulfed the space. The plan was conceived as an ergonomic and scenographic movement. As soon as the visitor walks out the front of the door, an antechamber will welcome him. This antechamber act as a roundabout, because from this space, there is access to the sleeping part, the living part, the kitchen, the pipi room and the stairs for the rooftop.

Perched House / Studio BO - Interior Photography, Dining room, Table, Windows
© Alessio Mei

The challenge was to deal with this old colonial architecture without distorting it while bringing some fresh and local elements and materials to respond to customers’ needs. So, the old terrazzo was repaired and conserved, the same thing for the rooftop stairs and some old sanitary.

Perched House / Studio BO - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Windows
© Alessio Mei
Perched House / Studio BO - Interior Photography, Glass, Chair
© Alessio Mei

The main material used is waxed concrete, travertine stone, and local beldi zellig. All wet room has been covered with Moroccan zellig beldi from Fez, which is a kind of traditional glazed terracotta tiles, laid in a contemporary way in colors of character. All doors that have been added have been designed in metal and several types of reinforced glass.

Perched House / Studio BO - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Windows
© Alessio Mei

The rooftop is an essential part of the penthouse, the desired atmosphere is that of an ocean liner deck with these distant views, from or boat porthole as a door. The rooftop is coated with local cement tiles in English green. It’s equipped with a bar, storage space, seating, and outdoor toilet, and it works as an independent space.     

Perched House / Studio BO - Exterior Photography
© Alessio Mei

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Project location

Address:Casablanca, Morocco

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.
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Cite: "Perched House / Studio BO" 25 Jun 2022. ArchDaily. Accessed . <> ISSN 0719-8884

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