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The Edge Office Building / Dub Architects


The Edge Office Building / Dub Architects - Interior Photography, HandrailThe Edge Office Building / Dub Architects - Exterior PhotographyThe Edge Office Building / Dub Architects - Exterior PhotographyThe Edge Office Building / Dub Architects - Exterior PhotographyThe Edge Office Building / Dub Architects - More Images+ 23

  • Principal Architect: Gene Dub
  • Design Team: Walter Di Tommaso, Norman Kloever, Stephen Smolski
  • City: Edmonton
  • Country: Canada
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The Edge Office Building / Dub Architects - Exterior Photography
© Doublespace Photography Younes Bounhar

Text description provided by the architects. The Edge, a 10 storey office building, built on a single 15m wide lot, features one of Canada’s largest solar walls. Its 560 photovoltaic panels provide 80% of the building’s electrical requirements. The building is connected to the city’s power grid, returning excess power on sunny days. The design incorporates both insulated triple-glazed and quadruple-glazed systems. The open floor plates are naturally lit by comfortable north daylight. The north windows require no blinds and the building requires little artificial light during the summer months. The ends of the building feature large thermally-separated balconies and solar screens to control sunlight.

The Edge Office Building / Dub Architects - Exterior Photography
© Doublespace Photography Younes Bounhar

The development contains private educational facilities throughout seven floors and private office space on the top two levels. The ground floor engages the street with changing pop-up uses in the open lobby. Eighteen underground parking spaces are accessed through the condominium apartment parkade next door, eliminating the need for a disruptive ramp at ground level.

The Edge Office Building / Dub Architects - Interior Photography, Handrail
© Doublespace Photography Younes Bounhar

The solar wall provides sustainable benefits and is a prototype for similar infill conditions. Here, the adjacent building to the south is a recently repurposed warehouse (also by Dub Architects) with no anticipated redevelopment for 50 years. However, the solar wall has a payback period of only 5-8 years, making the prototype highly feasible in comparable locations. The solar wall will save 26 tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere annually.

The Edge Office Building / Dub Architects - Interior Photography, Table, Chair, Windows
© Doublespace Photography Younes Bounhar
The Edge Office Building / Dub Architects - Image 20 of 28
Plan - Fourth to eight floor
The Edge Office Building / Dub Architects - Interior Photography, Table, Beam
© Doublespace Photography Younes Bounhar

The flexible interior floor plate accommodates open planning or up to 10 enclosed offices along the north wall. Minimalist interiors kept construction costs very low. Heat pumps and lighting serviced from the dropped ceiling along the core allow for an unobstructed exposed concrete ceiling, convenient for demising. Air ducts are supplied along the beams and electrical floor outlets are served by ducts within the poured concrete floor.

The Edge Office Building / Dub Architects - Exterior Photography
© Doublespace Photography Younes Bounhar

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Project location

Address:Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.
About this office
Cite: "The Edge Office Building / Dub Architects" 05 Mar 2021. ArchDaily. Accessed 20 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

© Doublespace Photography Younes Bounhar

Edge办公楼,太阳能板铺满立面 / Dub Architects

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