Linear parks exist in many different contexts - along riversides, coastal areas, or inserted in the urban fabric - and represent a very particular type of public space that evokes the idea of a vector and, consequently, the sense of movement. However, they can provide more than just activities and programs associated with mobility, proving to be an appealing solution to the lack of spaces for leisure, contemplation, and relaxation in the most varied urban situations.
Below, we have gathered 12 examples of linear parks built in different parts of the world, illustrated by photographs and floor plans.
Requalification of the banks of the Avelames River / Luís Rebelo de Andrade

White Flowers Boulevard / Project Group 8 + PARK

Schelokovsky Hutor Forest Park / OGOROD

Plaza del migrante / Taller DIEZ 05

Domino Park / James Corner Field Operations

Waterfront Park of Aiyi River / BLVD International

Guaíba Orla Urban Park / Jaime Lerner Arquitetos Associados

Madureira Park / Ruy Rezende Arquitetos

Hornsbergs Strandpark / Nyréns Arkitektkontor

Environmental Recovery of the Llobregat River / Batlle i Roig Arquitectura

Kaukari Urban Park / Teodoro Fernández Arquitectos

Paprocany Lake Shore Redevelopment / RS + Robert Skitek