5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura

5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Exterior Photography5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Exterior Photography, Concrete5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Exterior Photography, Concrete, Facade5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Interior Photography, Dining room, Table, Chair5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - More Images+ 18

  • Architects: Gubbins-Polidura
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  260 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Bercia, Dialum, Kohler, Ventanas PVC
  • Lead Architects: Antonio Polidura, Marco Polidura
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5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Exterior Photography
© Sergio Pirrone

Text description provided by the architects. We had been developing many houses in sloped sites and the main issue in all of them was the connection with the land. That was what this client asked us to continue and emphasize for his project. They wanted a house connected with the ground and with the context but saving privacy, obviously privileging the sea views, but also the landscape of the hills behind. The challenge of the site was to work with the slope (20% average). Besides the connection with the ground, that is an architectonic issue, we must be able to solve technical problems such as the management of rain waters or the contention of the ground by proposing creative architectural solutions.

5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Exterior Photography, Concrete
© Sergio Pirrone

The proposal consists in creating a big public area, mixing constructed and natural (patios), interior, exterior, and intermediate spaces. All under a discontinuous cover shaped by these five concrete beams. The beams are supported by two walls of 40 and 25 meters long, one on each side of the site, creating an east-west, sea-hill oriented space that is visually denied to the neighbours.

5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Exterior Photography, Glass, Concrete
© Sergio Pirrone
5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Image 18 of 23
5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Interior Photography, Dining room, Table, Chair
© Sergio Pirrone

The beans are the skeleton, always present.  From above, they appear as a facade. From below at the main space, weather if there is covered or not, and because of its thickness, each space carácter making the interior and exterior category more ambiguous. 

5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Exterior Photography, Concrete
© Sergio Pirrone
5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Image 20 of 23
Ground Floor Plan
5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Exterior Photography, Concrete
© Sergio Pirrone

The program of the house is the contraposition between this public area, solved as one continue surface connecting the hill and sea and a more introverted base or plinth over which the public surface is placed. The more private rooms are located on the plinth (master bedroom, bedrooms 2 and 3, 2 bathrooms, and a little common area). All of them with the sea façade totally glazed. Up in the public area there is a dinning-living room, bathroom, and a kitchen. 

5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Exterior Photography, Concrete, Facade
© Sergio Pirrone

The west terrace is 27 meters long and 7 meters wide. Totally exposed, with 180  views, windy and less protected, completely artificial, conceived as a free plan flying over the sea. It allows the other side, the east terrace, totally protected, more introverted, 100% natural, conceived as a continuity of the hill, to connect with the sea.

5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Exterior Photography, Concrete
© Sergio Pirrone

Private areas are a plinth with clear boundaries between interior and exterior and between artificial and natural. This area is interior and artificial. The public area has no clear boundaries. The 2 lateral walls are buried on the hill supporting the 5 beams that configures an ambiguous great space where the nature is overlapped with the architecture. Though we had a very compact and orthogonal volume, we worked with the idea of overlapping nature and architecture. This by creating diffuse boundaries and including nature in between. 

5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura - Exterior Photography
© Sergio Pirrone

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Cite: "5 Beams House / Gubbins-Polidura" [Casa 5 Vigas / Gubbins-Polidura] 07 Jan 2021. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/954483/5-beams-house-polidura-arquitectos> ISSN 0719-8884

© Sergio Pirrone

智利五梁山海屋 / Gubbins-Polidura

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