Andres Gallardo, the self-taught Spanish photographer, recently traveled to Paris to capture the city’s urban architecture, documenting the spirit of the buildings, the city’s rich architectural history, and international design influence.
Gallardo describes the city as “magical,” which he chooses to document in both monochrome and color photographs, incorporating overall perspectives and small structural details that often obscure the structures’ overall identity.

The overall series, titled "Urban Geometry,” includes photographs from cities in both Europe and Asia. This compilation of images follows the artist’s personal journey, placing emphasis on the versatility of architectural forms and the complexity of each city’s unique urban fabric.

Through the photographer’s lens, light animates the city’s architecture. The Pompidou Center, once described by many upon its completion as an “architectural horror,” has become an iconic example of architectural expression and innovation. Gallardo’s photographs of the Renzo Piano/Richard Rodgers design capture the geometric order and rationality of the building’s intersecting lines at a level of detail otherwise overlooked by a view of the structure in its entirety.

Gallardo’s other architectural subjects in Paris include Jean Nouvel’s Musée du Quai - Branly and the Eiffel Tower.

News via Andres Gallardo