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Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture


Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Handrail, BeamLatvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Windows, Column, Arch, ArcadeLatvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Image 4 of 30Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Stairs, HandrailLatvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - More Images+ 25

  • Process Office: Vytautas Bieksa, Rokas Kilciauskas, Marius Kanevicius, Giedrius Spogis
  • Engineers’ Office Buve Un Forma: Janis Praulins, Janis Krasts, Kaspars Snore, Olga Opolcenova, Solvita Snore, Maris Gravitis
  • Climate, Water Supply And Sewer Systems: Engineers’ office Buve un Forma, Jelena Uspenska, Tatjana Grava, Sergejs Pivovarovs, Rasa Vilka
  • Fire Safety: Juris Smits, Genadijs Kuzmins, US&L, Alina Kavalera UG Projekts
  • Architect In Charge: Vytautas Biekša, Rokas Kilčiauskas, Marius Kanevičius, Andrius Skiezgelas
  • City: Riga
  • Country: Latvia
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Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Windows, Column, Arch, Arcade
© Norbert Tukaj

Three Aspects of the Reconstruction Strategy for the Building of the Latvian National Museum of Art in Riga

Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Windows, Cityscape
© Norbert Tukaj

Considering the unique architecture of the building, its representational importance and significant contribution to the cultural heritage, the proposed extension strategy is based on:

- retention of the existing building capacity and authentic details;

Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Windows, Facade
© Norbert Tukaj

- need for renewal and extension of museum functions in the clearly expressed modern volume and subtle minimal design of the additional spaces;

- redesign of the functional strategy of the existing building enabling more efficient use and ergonomic integration of the extension.

Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Image 11 of 30
© Norbert Tukaj

Based on the following aspects, we offer a functionally and aesthetically balanced design project for the restoration, reconstruction and extension of the building of the Latvian National Museum of Art preserving the existing building as a historical urban landmark and ensuring its modern functionality.

Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Image 13 of 30
© Norbert Tukaj

Aspect of Heritage

As the current museum building is regarded a national architectural monument and listed building of the state significance No. 6530, it is one of the most representative architectural objects in Riga. According to the project, its restoration is intended with the maximum preservation of the functional building elements, use of the modern technology and maintenance of the original decorative details.

Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Beam
© Norbert Tukaj

Aesthetic Aspect

To solve the problem of shortage of the exposition space, we offer the adjustment of the existing unused building space, additional functions, as well as formation of new exhibition spaces concentrated in the new extension, which is designed below the ground level. By such placement of the new extension below the ground level it is possible to maximize the preservation of the building as the historical urban landmark. Next to such exceptional position of the museum building, only the neutral concrete courtyard with an amphitheatre in brass is added.

Functional Aspect

Working on modernization of the museum building, we have concentrated on the development of the functional strategy, also drawing attention to redistribution of space and logical classification, grouping and connection of the existing and future museum premises and functions. In response to the needs of the museum, we have come to the following functional approach:

Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Image 17 of 30
© Norbert Tukaj

- Leaving the site free of any new ground-based volumes, we propose to construct the space for temporary exhibitions, storages with restoration workshops and ancillary facilities in the new extension below the ground level.

- Above the underground extension, in between the park and museum building, we suggest a square – stylized social space with an outdoor café, video projection, art installations in the open air and other public events.

Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Image 19 of 30
© Norbert Tukaj

- The ground floor is adapted for administrative and public functions of the museum - classrooms, cafeteria/ restaurant, conference hall, children's education classes, which can be accessible both, from the street and park side. New stairwell in the central part of the building connects the ground floor with the new extension and the main hall on the first floor.

Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Image 4 of 30
© Norbert Tukaj

- In addition to the existing exhibition space in the old building, we propose to use the cupola and part of the currently unused attic as the exposition spaces. To comply with the requirements for the exposition space, we propose to install skylights with natural light control.


- For convenient and practical use we suggest to redesign the part of the roof in a way that it could accommodate a terrace with picturesque panoramas, while allowing the natural light in on the second floor exhibition galleries through the original skylights. The impressive cupola space could be used for temporary installations and for access to the roof terrace 

Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Beam, Windows
© Norbert Tukaj

Exposed Archives and Workshops

The new extension is clearly distinguished from the historic building and hosts primarily the technical and ancillary premises of the museum.  Walking through the public access loop (the entrance ramp) to the exposition halls visitors can observe the previously and traditionally invisible inner premises of the museum, such as archives of art collections. The restoration workshops can be observed both, from the exhibition hall in the glass covered atrium and from above, while walking on the glass floor. The large 12,0 x 3,5m lifting platform for exhibition delivery transport is integrated into the open air patio and provides natural light and occasional view for the visitors in the lobby of the new extension.  

Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Beam
© Norbert Tukaj
Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Image 20 of 30
© Norbert Tukaj

Public Square

Main purpose of the square is to serve as a platform for public gatherings thus extending the museum’s possibilities to display art objects. The monolith concrete surface proposed for easier functional use also exposes the iconic shape of the old museum as a sculpture and clearly marks the new volume of the underground museum extension.  

Ground Floor

In the middle of the square, we propose an amphitheatre with the 9 X 9 m glass covered atrium at the bottom for the visitors to watch through it observing the everyday life of the museum, while also functioning as a skylight for the exhibition space.

Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture - Windows
© Norbert Tukaj

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Address:Riga, Latvia

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.
About this office
Cite: "Latvian Museum of Art / Processoffice and Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture" 25 Jan 2017. ArchDaily. Accessed 5 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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