This article is part of our new series "Material in Focus", where we ask architects to share with us their creative process through the choice of materials that define important parts of the construction of their buildings.
Casa dos Caseiros was designed by architectural firm 24.7. The project is 70 meters square and was a private order for a large-scale social steel framed housing project to be built in some cities in the state of Rio de Janeiro. We talked with the architect Giuliano Pelaio to learn more about material choices and challenges of the project.
What were the main materials used in this project?
GP: Concrete building blocks, aluminum frame, glass, and thermoacoustic tile.

What were your main sources of inspiration and influence when you were choosing the materials used in the project?
GP: Streamlining the construction process, labor, ease of construction, and price.

Describe how decisions on materials influenced the design of the project.
GP: In this case, the modulation using concrete blocks required by the family determined the whole structure and the dimensions of the living spaces.

What were the advantages that this material offered for the construction of the project?
GP: Increased mobility during construction, labor, and reduced costs.

Did the choice of materials impose any kind of challenges to the project?
GP: Not necessarily a challenge, but the choice of material did need to be interpreted properly and use the volume to its maximum capacity to make the most of their flexibility for modulation, which really helped the construction time.

Did you ever consider other possible materials for the project? If so, how would that have changed the project?
GP: At first we wanted to build the house with a steel frame. Due to the scarcity and expense of that type of skilled labor, we had to adapt to a more popular system while still keeping its intended purpose in mind.

How did you research suppliers and builders suitable for materials used in the project?
GP: All suppliers for this project were already our partners.