‘Myriad’ has been commissioned by Aldeburgh Music and Suffolk Coastal District Council to join the outdoor sculpture collection at Snape Maltings alongside existing works by Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth, Sarah Lucas and Alison Wilding.
The sculpture has been designed in collaboration by artist David Rickard and architect Germano Di Chello, in response to the brief for a sculpture that “offers a vantage point across the marshes at Snape and a new view over this at and beautiful landscape”.
Standing tall on the Henry Moore Lawn, Myriad holds an array of mirrors high above visitors’ heads re ecting views of the surrounding landscape down to earth. Below several of the high level mirrors are further re ector panels positioned to create a series of large periscopes.
Made with brushed and mirror polished stainless steel, Myriad captures a wide and ever changing series of vistas from the spectacular surroundings, to create a dynamic multi-perspective collage that constantly shifts in relation to the visitors’ movement around and within the sculpture.