While drawing or even writing about architecture can be a great way to be expressive in the field, today architectural photography is by far the most direct and widely-used methods for communicating the true form of the built environment. Capturing the perfect architectural photograph, however, can be far more difficult than one might anticipate. In light of this, we have compiled a list of ten architectural photography tutorials to help you get the right shot every time.
Read on to see how to take architectural photos at twilight, for Instagram, using long exposure, and more.
1. How to Use Tilt/ Shift for Perspective Control
2. A Guide to Context in Architectural Photography
3. Architectural Photography on Instagram
4. Tips to Make Awesome Long Exposure Photographs
5. How to Utilize Reflections in Architectural Photography
6. How to Stay Mindful While Taking Photos
7. Tips for Digital Photography: from the Rule of Thirds to Avoid Using Flash Indoors
Top 10 Digital Photography Tips - Take Your Digital Photography To the Next Level!
Contents1 1. Take advantage of the rule of thirds2 2. Check the focal length of your lens and adjust the shutter speed accordingly3 3. Look at the depth of your photos4 4. Keep your backgrounds looking simple5 5. Avoid using flash indoors6 6. See how well the shutter speed works7 7.