Architects: Cubo Arkitekter
- Area: 13000 m²
- Year: 2015
Photographs:Martin Schubert
Manufacturers: Troldtekt

The human scale.
During their time on the school the students will follow different educations and classes preparing them socially and professionally for a praxis of health care and pedagogy.

In the Aarhus Social and Health Care College places the human being in center. Therefor it is the human scale, which influences the new schools vision for a rich, variated and humanistic architecture.

The site location is very much in line with the overall vision of SOSU. Here between the dynamic and innovative business and office quarters along Randersvej and the new university hospital, the school will be surrounded by institutions and corporate buildings, of which many have the same audience.

The educating school.
The dominance of new technologies will in time have more and more influence on the health sector. And as the future scenario is not clear, the physical design of the building should be flexible regarding new future demands.

Aarhus Social and Health Care College is characterized by a clear identity in its physical shape, housing new teaching routines, which changes in sync with society. The school as building structure as well as organization is flexible, letting the student make his own choices in search of information and knowledge, still embracing the benefits of community and learning in groups.

As a building the school symbolizes openness, changeability and dynamics.
The neighborhood in Skejby is dominated by solitary buildings of variated expressions. The intention of our design for the school is to make a calm and clarified exterior, housing a variated and lively interior.

The interior organization is inspired by that of a town. A hierarchy of functions organized around “streets” and “squares”. The house is organized around the main square, which is the vibrant basis for social relations. The heart of the school.