The Lisbon Architecture Triennale has announced that its 2016 Curatorial Board will be made up of André Tavares and Diogo Seixas Lopes, architects and directors of the magazine Jornal Arquitectos. José Mateus will serve as the Triennale's Executive President. More info, after the break...
The Curators
Since 2006, André Tavares has been running Dafne Editora, exploring publishing as a form of cultural and architectural practice. Currently he is the editor-in-chief of the magazine Jornal Arquitectos. He holds a doctorate from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, where in 2009 he completed his dissertation on the presence of reinforced concrete in architects’ design strategies in the early 20th century. Resulting from his research in Mendrisio, Paris and São Paulo, he has published several books addressing the international circulation of knowledge among Portuguese-speaking architects, including Arquitectura Antituberculose (Faup-publicações, 2005), Os fantasmas de Serralves (Dafne, 2007), Novela Bufa do Ufanismo em Concreto (Dafne, 2009), and Duas obras de Januário Godinho (Dafne, 2012). He co-edited Mark Wigley’s Casa da Música/Porto (CdM, 2008) and Eduardo Souto de Moura’s Floating Images (Lars Müller, 2012).
Born in Lisbon in 1972, Diogo Seixas Lopes is an architect. He obtained his diploma at the Technical University of Lisbon and holds a doctorate from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. He was a guest professor at the University of Coimbra and Carleton University in Ottawa, and was a research fellow at the Canadian Centre for Architecture and the Foundation for Science and Technology in Portugal. Currently, he is a consultant for architecture at the Belém Cultural Centre in Lisbon and deputy director of the magazine Jornal Arquitectos. He is the founder, with Patrícia Barbas, of Barbas Lopes Arquitectos. The portfolio of the office includes public and private buildings, interiors, and exhibition designs as well as collaborations with other architects such as Peter Märkli. Together with Gonçalo Byrne, they recently concluded the Reconversion of the Thalia Theatre in Lisbon. Their work was nominated for the Icon Awards 2012, Designs of the Year 2013, and the Mies van der Rohe Award 2013.
Executive President
José Mateus is now the current Executive President of the Lisbon Architecture Triennale. Mateus Graduated in Architecture from the Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (FAUTL) in 1986. Together with Nuno Mateus, he founded in 1991 ARX Portugal Arquitectos. Currently President of the Director's Board of the Lisbon Architecture Triennale, he was also the Executive Director of the Triennale in 2007 and 2010. He was also guest professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon, and a teacher at the Escola Técnica Superior d’ Arquitectura of the Universitat Internacional da Catalunya (ESARQ-UIC), in Barcelona; at the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE) and at the Escola Superior de Artes Decorativas de Lisboa (ESAD). In 1993, the work of ARX was shown at the Exhibition Realidade Real at CCB as well as many others, namely Percurso/Útvonal — ARX Portugal (Budapest, 2000), Influx 0.1 (Fundação de Serralves, 2002), Contaminantes/Comunicantes (Lisboa, 2000) and Nara Triennial (1994). Together with Centro Regional de Sangue do Porto, they took part of the exhibition Architectura e Design del Portogallo 1998-2004 of Milan Trienniale. ARX’s projects have received numberless prizes, mentions and nominations.