Architects: DesignInc
- Year: 2011
Photographs:Tony Miller, Dianna Snape

The architectural design for this Places Victoria (formerly VicUrban) initiated affordable housing project combines a direct response to the urban context with an imperative to create a better quality affordable housing development. Stepped forms and fine grain articulation transitions medium density housing into a semi–suburban streetscape. 199 fully modular apartment units are stacked and articulated around a shared common green.

This ground breaking mixed–tenure housing model includes 110 privately owned units along side 89 social housing and affordable rental units.

The project aims to provide a bookend to the existing Urban Village and creates built forms that relate to the scale of the adjoining neighbourhood; signifying the transition from suburban housing to retail and commercial activity. The offset building height promotes access to light and views, and opportunity for greenery without extensive ground level site remediation.

Sustainable design solutions have been fully integrated into the building and landscape design. These range from passive design fundamentals such as maximizing winter sun and cross ventilation to greywater reuse and solar hot water panels.