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House in Maitencillo / Patricio Cortese Opazo


House in Maitencillo / Patricio Cortese Opazo - More Images+ 17

Maitencillo, Chile
Courtesy of Patricio Cortese Opazo

Text description provided by the architects. The work is emplaced in a hillside of strong slope and south orientation, in a hill located at the inside of Maitencillo locality. By one side, the site (place) have an spectacular view to the inner Puchuncavi Valley, and by the other side, it has many sunlight problems as a consequence of its orientation.


From this two premises (situations), the house raises as a volume that break away from the hill, creating an intermediate place between this and the work, which finality is to capture de northern sun as a passive thermic control system. This spot (space) against the hill establish a new transversal relation between the site borders, generating new flows and perspectives in the place.

Courtesy of Patricio Cortese Opazo

The lower volume raises three recognizable situations. By one flank (broadside) it has a glazed circulation that captures the sun like a greenhouse. By the other, are located all the bedrooms with a privileged view to the inner valley. In its upper , it raises a great oriel (balcony, glazer) that open itself to the emptiness creating a relation between the work and the valley like a distant (faraway) context.

Courtesy of Patricio Cortese Opazo

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Cite: "House in Maitencillo / Patricio Cortese Opazo" [Vivienda Unifamiliar en Maitencillo / Patricio Cortese Opazo] 18 May 2013. ArchDaily. Accessed 20 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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