Escola da Cidade - School of Architecture and Urbanism it's on the final stage for applications for two non degree graduate courses. Since 2009 the college offers specialization courses and the successful results show the consolidation of this proposal.
The program whose main theme is “America Civilization - A Look through Architecture” is structured by the following specializations: 'Housing and City', 'Geography, City and Architecture'.
Housing and City
Organized in partnership with the Housing Secretariat of the City Hall of São Paulo, the course enters its fifth edition. The work undertaken in this specialization has even resulted in exhibitions and books published between the years 2010 and 2012.
The objective of the course is to give continuity to the training of professionals and academics that develop projects and face the issues of Housing of Social Interest in urban territories. It aims to systematize and analyze the problems faced in the professional practice, to evaluate procedures adopted on projects in light of their results, besides studying, through the exercise of design, paths for possible transformations and improvements in the current frame.
The specialization 'Housing and City’ is coordinated by architects Ruben Otero and Luis Octavio de Faria e Silva. Ruben Otero graduated at the University of the Republic of Uruguay (1983) and did PhD in Architectural Project at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (2008). Luis Octavio is a graduate (1989), master (2001) and Ph.D. (2008) at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo (FAU-USP).

Geography, City and Architecture
The proposal is to discuss, through architecture, the cultural background of the countries of America from their own geographical and historical condition. Held since 2010, the course continues its studies with Venezuela, Argentina, Chile and Mexico.
In 2013 the course will discuss again countries already studied, by inviting representatives from other cities to have a new look at the culture of these nations.. The idea is to reflect on the specific needs of these countries, relating to the cultural, socio-economic and environmental spheres.
The course is aimed at architects and urban planners, artists, engineers, and others interested in the theme. 'Geography, City and Architecture' is coordinated by architects Álvaro Puntoni and Fernando Viegas, Master and PhD respectively, graduated at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo (FAU-USP).
Registrations are open until February 18, 2013 on the site www.escoladacidade.edu.br or in the office at Escola da Cidade (São Paulo – Brazil). Further information may be obtained by calling (55-11) 3258-8108 from 15:00 to 19:00, or by e-mail posgraduacao@escoladacidade.edu.br.
Registrations are open until February 18, 2013 on the site www.escoladacidade.edu.br or in the office at Escola da Cidade (São Paulo – Brazil). Further information may be obtained by calling (55-11) 3258-8108 from 15:00 to 19:00, or by e-mail posgraduacao@escoladacidade.edu.br.