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Black on White / Parasite Studio


Black on White / Parasite Studio - Image 2 of 28Black on White / Parasite Studio - WindowsBlack on White / Parasite Studio - BedroomBlack on White / Parasite Studio - FacadeBlack on White / Parasite Studio - More Images+ 23

Timisoara, Romania

Text description provided by the architects. The main theme of the project – a dark box containing private spaces sustained by a series of white walls which delineate the semipublic spaces, is completed by the relations a contemporary living environment needs to establish to its environment, either built or natural. The system of courtyards together with the main living spaces mediates the transition between public and private, being made up in relation to the landscape and the natural light, designed to assure the intimacy, communication and exposure needed by a young family.

Black on White / Parasite Studio - Image 13 of 28
© Attila Wenczel

Instead of the clear delimitation of the enclosure – public/private, the whole space on the ground level, the exterior one of the courtyard and the interior one of the living areas is divided and ordered by a series of white walls that cross it, support the box that comprises the bedroom and split it into five exterior courtyards, differently orientated and having different degrees of permeability. The first one is a public courtyard dedicated to parking and access, being delimited by the street only by the smooth texture of the flooring. The passage towards the house is done through the second courtyard having a semiprivate character, with a hosting role. The last three have private character and are adjacent to the main openings of the ground floor. The first one of them is orientated towards south, towards the orchard and contains the terrace that serves the kitchen. The most complex courtyard, an actual exterior room, is an extension of the living room, orientated towards west and partially covered. Towards the rear of the site the green court is located, the garden-orchard, dominating in size.

Black on White / Parasite Studio - Sofa
© Attila Wenczel

Seen from the outside, the interior functions are divided in two typologies: spaces of a strong public character, those of the day routine, located on the ground-floor, opened and fluid and the private spaces that host the night activities, located on the first floor and enclosed in a black volume. From the inside the delimitation is much more flexible and can be largely dictated by its users.

Black on White / Parasite Studio - Image 2 of 28
© Attila Wenczel

The living room, kitchen and dining area are open functional areas contained by a large space, partially delimited by the white walls, similar to the courtyards. On the ground floor the space remains fluid, white and strongly flooded by natural light, minimally furnished with simple volumes. The large windows allow almost complete opening, counting on the flexibility of the interior/exterior delimitation.

Black on White / Parasite Studio - Image 22 of 28
© Attila Wenczel

The interior path from the public areas towards the private ones on the first floor is led long a dark colored wall which supports the white embedded steps of the stair. The permeability of the interior is gradual in relation to the reduction of natural light intake. This decreases from the living room area towards the matrimonial bedroom – the most private enclosure of the house. The first space of the first floor along the path is that of the office, delimited only by the transparent furniture of the bookshelf. Once passed by, the path is chromatically darkening towards the bedrooms. But once you enter the bedrooms, the perspective changes radically. Those are opened, bright, related to the exterior through large windows.

Black on White / Parasite Studio - Shelving, Handrail
© Attila Wenczel

The furniture is white, simple, integrated in the solution, accentuating some functional areas through small spots of color. It is thought as a support, leaving the liberty for objects to personalize the space. 

Black on White / Parasite Studio - Image 25 of 28
First Floor Plan

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Cite: "Black on White / Parasite Studio" 01 Oct 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 18 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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