PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos

PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior Photography, Chair, BeamPZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior PhotographyPZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior Photography, FacadePZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Image 14 of 33PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - More Images+ 28

Avaré, Brazil
  • Architects: mf+arquitetos
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1280
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2024
  • Lead Architect: Filipi Oliveira
  • Team: Filipi oliveira, Mariana oliveira,Luis Felipe Talita Faciroli,Dionésio Júnior,Lucas Ferrari,Guilherme Takahashi,Renato Ubiali,Luis Fernando.
  • City: Avaré
  • Country: Brazil
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PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Image 6 of 33
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

Text description provided by the architects. Located at the Jurumirim dam, in Avaré, the weekend house was designed with the aim of offering the family an ideal refuge amid the tranquility of nature. The relationship with the dam was a determining factor in the project concept, ensuring that the landscape was always present, visible from any point of the residence. This integration with water was one of the main pillars that guided the conception of the architectural design.

PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior Photography
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior Photography, Facade
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

The house features a 'T' shaped volume, which enabled an organized and efficient distribution of all the spaces necessary to meet the family's needs. In the central volume, we find the entrance hall, which stands out for its muxarabi doors in natural wood, complemented by exposed concrete walls and wooden panels. The addition of a concrete pergola not only brings a modern aesthetic touch, but also allows natural light to penetrate the space, creating a play of light and shadow that enriches the atmosphere of the space.

PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior Photography, Dining room, Table, Chair
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Image 33 of 33
Planta baixa
PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior Photography, Beam
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

The main kitchen opens to the living room through elegant retractable wooden doors, promoting a fluid and continuous transition between the spaces. This configuration facilitates social interaction and family life, allowing spaces to be used in a versatile way. Between the living room and the gourmet area, a block covered in ebonized wood houses the bathrooms that serve the leisure area. This block has been carefully positioned to ensure privacy and functionality.

PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior Photography, Table, Bench
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior Photography, Table, Chair
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

The gourmet area, located at the most privileged end of the central block, offers a stunning view of the dam and the pool. This space was designed to be the heart of the home's leisure activities, with sliding glass doors that allow total opening. This feature makes the line between inside and outside practically invisible, providing an unprecedented outdoor living experience, where nature merges with indoor environments in a harmonious and intense way.

PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Image 22 of 33
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

The right side of the central volume houses the garage, laundry room, guest rooms and a well-equipped gym, ensuring that all the family's needs are met with comfort and practicality. On the left side, there is the intimate area of the house, made up of the master suite, the children's suites and a cozy TV room. This clear separation between social and intimate areas provides residents with privacy and tranquility.

PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior Photography, Bedroom, Windows, Beam, Bed
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior Photography, Bedroom, Beam, Windows
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

The materials used in the construction were selected to reflect originality and mimic the natural surroundings. Concrete and wood were chosen not only for their durability and aesthetics, but also to highlight the inherent beauty of each material. The use of the glued laminated timber construction system brought a new dimension of efficiency to the execution of the work, allowing for a faster and more sustainable construction process.

PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior Photography, Chair, Beam
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

A cuidadosa seleção do mobiliário foi essencial para complementar a arquitetura e o paisagismo da casa. Poltronas em linho e couro foram escolhidas para criar ambientes confortáveis e sofisticados. Os móveis não apenas oferecem funcionalidade, mas também acrescentam um toque de elegância e charme aos espaços, harmonizando com o design geral da casa e realçando sua conexão com a natureza.

PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Image 8 of 33
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

Além disso, a casa conta com um sistema de iluminação planejado para destacar as características arquitetônicas e paisagísticas, criando uma atmosfera acolhedora e convidativa tanto durante o dia quanto à noite. As luzes estrategicamente posicionadas realçam a textura dos materiais.

PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior Photography
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Interior Photography
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

Em suma, esta casa de final de semana, pode se integrar perfeitamente ao ambiente natural, proporcionando aos moradores um espaço de convivência que é ao mesmo tempo funcional, elegante e profundamente conectado com a natureza ao redor.

PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos - Image 32 of 33
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

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Cite: "PZ HOUSE / mf+arquitetos" [Casa PZ / mf+arquitetos] 03 Sep 2024. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1020597/pz-house-mf-plus-arquitetos> ISSN 0719-8884

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