Architects: Turner Arquitectos
- Area: 8678 m²

Text description provided by the architects. The Puerta Costanera building is the first stage of a larger mixed-use project located at the intersection of Nueva Costanera and Américo Vespucio, which is also the connection between Américo Vespucio and Bicentenario parks. Taking this into account, both this building and the ones to come are considered as the first commercial floor in order to create a new public space connecting the parks. The built volume responds to the different urban scales in 3 distinct layers: base, body, and top. The base consists of a plinth formed by a ground floor and a commercial basement, completely open to the surrounding sidewalks, in order to enhance the experience of pedestrians, customers, and building residents when entering the lobby. Then, the body of the building stands out by highlighting only 2 elements presented in an honest and unadorned way: structure and skin. The reinforced concrete structure is presented without coatings or paint, taking advantage of the material's plasticity to curve the terraces, giving more movement to the facades. On the other hand, the building's skin consists of a ventilated facade based on panels and movable metal blinds, which together take care of thermal insulation and solar control. Finally, the top of the building is not just a resultant; it was approached as a habitable fifth facade, hiding the technical floor and all its equipment with a large metal ring, visible from a distance and becoming an iconic element within the building's composition.

El volumen edificado responde a las distintas escalas urbanas en 3 estratos bien marcados: base, cuerpo y remate. La base consta de un zócalo formado por un 1er piso más un subsuelo comercial, totalmente abiertos hacia las veredas circundantes, para enriquecer la experiencia tanto del peatón como de los clientes de los locales y los habitantes del edificio al entrar al hall de acceso.

Luego el cuerpo del edificio se destaca por realzar solo 2 elementos que se presentan de forma honesta y sin adornos: estructura y piel. La estructura de hormigón armado se presenta sin revestimientos ni pintura, aprovechando la plasticidad del material para curvar las terrazas, dando mayor movimiento a las fachadas. Por otro lado, la piel del edificio conforma una fachada ventilada en base a paneles y persianas móviles metálicas, que en conjunto se hacen cargo de la aislación térmica y del control solar.

Por último, el remate del edificio no es solo una resultante; este fue abordado como una quinta fachada habitable, ocultando el piso técnico y todos sus equipos con un gran anillo metálico, visible desde la escala lejana y transformándose en un elemento icónico dentro de la composición del edificio.