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Neri & Hu Design and Research Office: The Latest Architecture and News

Take a Tour Inside Shanghai's Cultural Hotspot

Take a walk through the Hub Performance and Exhibition Center, designed by Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, in the dynamic Hongqiao District of Shanghai, China. The video, produced with Pedro Pegenaute, showcases the Center's nature-inspired interior, featuring dramatic lighting and views framed by walnut- and oak-covered aluminum branches recalling forest canopies.

Monocle 24's 'Section D' Explores Public Space in Bandung and Housing in Montreal

This edition of Section D, Monocle 24's weekly review of design, architecture and craft, travels to Indonesia’s third city Bandung, where former architect and current Mayor Ridwan Kamil "is transforming public space." The show also takes a tour of three early 20th-century apartment buildings in Montreal, and hears from Neri & Hu Design and Research Office in Shanghai.

Monocle 24's 'Section D' Explores Public Space in Bandung and Housing in Montreal - Image 1 of 4

BIG, Jean Nouvel, and 5 Others Reinterpret Arne Jacobsen's Series 7 Chair

Sixty years ago Arne Jacobsen designed the Series 7 chair - the "Sevener." Unlike many other Jacobsen designs, the chair was not designed for a specific use, leaving it to interpretation. In light of the chair's 60th anniversary, Fritz Hansen commissioned "seven cool architects" - BIG, Zaha Hadid, Jean Nouvel, Snøhetta and three others - to recreate the chair. The results, after the break.

BIG, Jean Nouvel, and 5 Others Reinterpret Arne Jacobsen's Series 7 Chair - Image 1 of 4BIG, Jean Nouvel, and 5 Others Reinterpret Arne Jacobsen's Series 7 Chair - Image 2 of 4BIG, Jean Nouvel, and 5 Others Reinterpret Arne Jacobsen's Series 7 Chair - Image 3 of 4BIG, Jean Nouvel, and 5 Others Reinterpret Arne Jacobsen's Series 7 Chair - Image 4 of 4BIG, Jean Nouvel, and 5 Others Reinterpret Arne Jacobsen's Series 7 Chair - More Images+ 10