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  2. Emergency Shelter

Emergency Shelter: The Latest Architecture and News

These Schools for Refugee Children in Jordan are Built Using Scaffolding and Sand

Using the ground “beneath your feet,” the Pilosio Building Peace organization, along with architects Pouya Khazaeli and Cameron Sinclair, have developed RE:BUILD, an incredible constructive system for building safe and comfortable structures in refugee camps. The system allows for the construction of temporary buildings of high quality through the use of wall panels formed with scaffolding and grids, which are then assembled and filled with gravel, sand or earth, creating well insulated interiors at a low cost.

Although the structures can be used for hospitals, housing, and other functions on this occasion we present two schools constructed using this system in Jordan.

These Schools for Refugee Children in Jordan are Built Using Scaffolding and Sand - SustainabilityThese Schools for Refugee Children in Jordan are Built Using Scaffolding and Sand - SustainabilityThese Schools for Refugee Children in Jordan are Built Using Scaffolding and Sand - SustainabilityThese Schools for Refugee Children in Jordan are Built Using Scaffolding and Sand - SustainabilityThese Schools for Refugee Children in Jordan are Built Using Scaffolding and Sand - More Images+ 48