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Ecosystem: The Latest Architecture and News

Call for Papers: TAW 2018 International Scientific Conference

An integral and substantial component of TAW 2018, the International Scientific Conference aims at exploring contemporary research activities and design tactics that deal with the topic of co-habitation from different perspectives and within different fields of interest, directly or indirectly related to architecture, city, and landscape. Through the observation of different tactics adopted by researchers and professionals, the hope is to identify new research and design trajectories.

Call for Papers: TAW 2018 International Scientific Conference | Co-habitation Tactics I Imagining future spaces in architecture, city and landscape

The International Scientific Conference aims at exploring contemporary research activities and design tactics that deal with the topic of co-habitation from different perspectives and within different fields of interest, directly or indirectly related to architecture, city, and landscape.

The SDG Academy Has Launched Free, Graduate-Level Courses on Sustainable Development, Urbanization and Natural Resources

The SDG Academy online education platform recently launched a series of free online courses on topics ranging from sustainable development and urbanization to climate change and the use of natural resources. According to the description on its website, SDG Academy "creates and curates free, top-level courses on sustainable development for students around the world."