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A' Design Award: The Latest Architecture and News

Last Call for Entries: 2018 A' Design Awards & Competition

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Entries to the A' Design Award, the world's largest international design competition, are closing on the 28th of February. Organized as a way to showcase excellent designers in all disciplines and from all countries, the A' Awards are peer-reviewed and anonymously judged by an influential jury panel of experienced scholars, important press members, and experienced professionals. The awards offer prestige, publicity and international recognition to A’ Design Award Laureates through the coveted A’ Design Prize system.

Call for Entries: 2018 A' Design Award

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The A’ Design Award is an international award whose aim is to provide designers, architects, and innovators from all design fields with a platform to showcase their work and products to a global audience. While there is no shortage of design awards out there, the A' Design Award stands out for its exceptional scale; with over 100 design categories, each year over 1,000 awards are given to designers from all over the world. The award's 2018 edition is now open for entries; designers can register their submissions here.

Closing Soon: Submit Your Best Works to the A' Design Award

A’ Design Award is the World’s largest international design competition. The A’ Design Awards are organized in all creative fields to bring out the excellent designers from all countries in all disciplines. Entries to the A' Design Accolades are peer-reviewed and anonymously judged by an influential jury panel of experienced scholars, important press members, and experienced professionals. A' Design Awards promises grandeur, prestige, publicity and international recognition to The A’ Design Award Laureates through the Coveted A’ Design Prize which is given to celebrate all awarded designs.

Call for Entries: 2017 A' Design Award

The A’ Design Award is an international award whose aim is to provide designers, architects, and innovators from all architecture and design fields with a competitive platform to showcase their work and products to a global audience. Among the design world's many awards, the A' Design Award stands out for its exceptional scale and breadth; in 2015, over 1,000 different designs received awards, with all fields of design recognized by the award's 100 different categories. The award's 2017 edition is now open for entries; designers can register their submissions here.

Call for Entries: A’ Design Award

The A’ Design Award is an international award whose aim is to provide designers, architects and innovators from all architecture and design fields with a competitive platform to showcase their work and products to a global audience. The 2014-2015 competition awarded 836 winners from 83 countries in 89 different design, product and architecture disciplines. The sheer number of represented countries and tremendous breadth of design disciplines marks the A’ Design Award as the World’s largest design accolade bringing together enterprises, architects, and designers from across the globe. The award winning designs are granted the coveted A’ Design Prize, which not only includes the beautiful award trophy but also an unmatched publicity package to promote the selected designs. Discover the full A’ Design Prize here.