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Sustainability: The Latest Architecture and News

"Architecture Is Not Just the Provision of Space:" Andrés Jaque on the Roles of Architecture in Louisiana Channel Interview

In the interview conducted by Louisiana Channel, architect Andrés Jaque discusses his foundational interest in architecture and his perspective on its role in shaping society. Jaque, founder of the Office for Political Innovation, emphasizes the creative potential of architecture to intervene in reality and reconnect all elements of the environment. He also goes into perspective on the political aspect of architecture, an interest from which the name of his office derives, as well as his perspectives on the true meaning of sustainability.

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Designing for Two Worlds: How Space Exploration is Shaping the Future of Architecture on Earth

Space exploration isn’t merely a testament to human ambition or a quest for new territories and resources. Our ventures beyond Earth’s atmosphere are driven by a deeper purpose: to understand better our place in the cosmos and to pioneer innovations that can transform life on our home planet.

While venturing beyond our planet captures the imagination, the true impact of space exploration may be felt much closer to home. Public perception often frames space exploration as a distant endeavor with limited relevance to terrestrial challenges. However, this perspective overlooks the substantial contributions of space programs to our world. By driving technological innovation, expanding our scientific knowledge, and inspiring future generations, space exploration has proven to be an invaluable catalyst for addressing global issues.

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How the Much-Maligned Porch Supports Walkable, Sustainable Communities

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

I was inspired to write this essay by a fascinating post on the social dynamic of porches by Patrick Deneen entitled A Republic of Front Porches. Sustainable places must be acccessible by a variety of means, especially walking. Neighborhoods where people walk to numerous destinations are more likely to be securable, because people tend to know more of their neighbors and therefore are likelier to know when a stranger is in the area. Walkability is essential to a serviceable place, because people won’t walk to those services as often if the pedestrian experience is bad. So walking is a fundamental aspect of a place’s sustainability. Porches can serve a crucial role in the walkability of residential streets in a neighborhood, and therefore in the ultimate sustainability of the neighborhood.

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Storytelling for Interiors: From Murals and Wallpapers to Digital Screens

Walls have long been more than mere structural elements; they are canvases that narrate stories, reflecting desires for nature, spirituality, or the pursuit of tranquility and stimulation. With advancements in addressable LED pixels, walls have evolved into immersive digital surfaces capable of displaying any image in large format, adapting to the needs of the moment.

However, while universities continue to train architects and interior designers to create static buildings, the art of meaningful storytelling through digital screens—especially those with dynamics—remains largely unexplored in academic curricula.

"Building the Line as a Three-Dimensional City:” In Conversation with Tarek Qaddumi, Executive Director of The Line Design of NEOM

In early 2021, Saudi Arabia unveiled the Line, a 170-kilometer-long linear city, part of the NEOM project. NEOM has since expanded with proposals for the region, including a ski destination set to host the 2029 Asian Winter Games, a floating port city at Oxagon, and cliffside hotels at Leyja. However, the Line continues to be one of the most debated of the proposals due to its scale and unprecedented design. According to the official releases, the city would measure 170 kilometers in length, 200 meters in width, and 500 meters in height, making it the 12th highest skyscraper in the world. In its final phase, it is expected to welcome 9 million residents, nearing the size of London or New York’s five boroughs.

On October 23, 2023, during the closing of the Line Exhibition in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, ArchDaily’s Editor in Chief, Christele Harrouk spoke to Tarek Qaddumi, Executive Director of The Line Design at NEOM, asking questions that probe into both the conceptual aspects and the technicalities of The Line project. In this video interview, the conversation addresses notions such as accessibility, transportation, and sustainability, while also exploring the concept of Cognitive Cities and the intended phasing of the project.

"Building the Line as a Three-Dimensional City:” In Conversation with Tarek Qaddumi, Executive Director of The Line Design of NEOM - Image 1 of 4"Building the Line as a Three-Dimensional City:” In Conversation with Tarek Qaddumi, Executive Director of The Line Design of NEOM - Image 2 of 4"Building the Line as a Three-Dimensional City:” In Conversation with Tarek Qaddumi, Executive Director of The Line Design of NEOM - Image 3 of 4"Building the Line as a Three-Dimensional City:” In Conversation with Tarek Qaddumi, Executive Director of The Line Design of NEOM - Image 4 of 4Building the Line as a Three-Dimensional City:” In Conversation with Tarek Qaddumi, Executive Director of The Line Design of NEOM - More Images+ 5

DIALOG and HOK Redesign Calgary's Scotia Place: A Celebration of Community and Indigenous Heritage in Canada

DIALOG and HOK have just revealed the redesign of Scotia Place, Calgary’s new event center in Canada. Set to become a hub of community and culture, Scotia Place is inspired by Indigenous ancestral lands and cultural significance, integrated these perspectives with the natural beauty of Calgary. Commissioned by the City of Calgary and the Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporations, Scotia Place seeks to bring people together and activate the public realm.

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Environmental Urbanism and Urban Geographies: Medellín 2024-2027 Urban Plan

CityMakers, The Global Community of Architects Who Learn from Exemplary Cities and Their Makers, is working with ArchDaily to publish a series of articles about Barcelona, Medellin, and Rotterdam. The authors are the architects, urban planners, and/or strategists of the projects that have transformed these three cities, which are visited in the "Schools of Cities" and studied in the "Documentary-Courses" made by CityMakers. On this occasion, Alejandro Restrepo Montoya, Director of Urban Planning and Architecture of Medellín, presents his article "Environmental Urbanism and Urban Geographies, Medellín 2024-2027"

Medellín's urban plan focuses on answering how urban planning can improve people's quality of life. By developing its proposal, the city is promoting the social benefits that these urban planning practices can generate. Medellín emphasizes the use of natural and environmental conditions, such as valleys, streams, rivers, mountains, and hills, to develop urban planning criteria that address social needs.

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Measuring Progress: The Building Sector’s Response to the Climate Crisis

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

The relentless drumbeat of climate disasters in the headlines—scorching heat waves, raging wildfires, historic floods, crippling droughts—are no longer a series of anomalies. As a grim new reality across much of the globe, these extreme weather events, driven by human-induced climate change, are becoming more frequent and severe. In short, they are clearly symptomatic of a broader and more pervasive environmental crisis.

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Refurbishment vs. Demolition: Enhancing Housing for Sustainable Energy Efficiency

World War II was pivotal in human history, leaving a profound political and social impact. Its conclusion marked a significant turning point, leading to post-war suburbanization and the baby boom. These phenomena resulted in rapid urban growth and a surge in housing construction, which peaked in the 1960s and continued to flourish throughout the following decades, gradually slowing down until the present day. Currently, we are facing a very different scenario in which a backlog of affordable housing, combined with a challenging economic outlook and a climate agenda, have led to the need for a transformation of the built environment into a cleaner and more resource-efficient one, in line with the Paris Agreement.

Thus, with the ever-increasing demand for housing, combined with policy initiatives such as the European Green Deal, the post-war model of hyper-production is becoming unsustainable. Consequently, refurbishing derelict or redundant buildings has emerged as a viable alternative. Unlike the scheme of demolition and new construction, this approach offers opportunities for energetic retrofitting, which helps mitigate environmental obsolescence, extend the lifespan of buildings, and revitalize the existing and dilapidated stock—including postwar housing—while improving people's quality of life.