Manufacturers: AutoDesk, ETHNICRAFT, Ferm Living, Menu, Agape, +19Autodesk Media and Entertainment, Ferm Living, GIR, GIR, Innovation Living, Innovation Living, Kvadrat, Kvadrat, Ligne Roset, Menu, Muuto, Norman Copenghagen, Normann Copenhagen, Notre Monde, Notre Monde, Omelette, Trimble Navigation, Vertigo Bird, Vertigo Bird
The Police Center Operative Headquarters by Spasoje Krunic is a building that technologically is way ahead of its time. It is an extravagant vision based on futuristic concepts and a sophisticated morphological and constructive technology, which combined, form a unity with distinctive aesthetical features. Owing to its construction and well-formed dynamics, the Operative Headquarters finds its place somewhere on the borderline between architecture and free design. The building is associated with new constructivism, a movement that has never been established in Serbian architecture, nor is it a current trend. Rather, it developed out of a specific set of structural requests imposed on the architect.