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Nha Dao Buoc House / H-H Studio

Nha Dao Buoc House / H-H Studio - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Facade, Table
© Hoang Le

Nha Dao Buoc House / H-H Studio - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Facade, Door, Stairs, ChairNha Dao Buoc House / H-H Studio - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, ChairNha Dao Buoc House / H-H Studio - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, DoorNha Dao Buoc House / H-H Studio - Interior Photography, Houses, StairsNha Dao Buoc House / H-H Studio - More Images+ 32

Da Nang, Vietnam
  • Architects: H-H Studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  251
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Caesar, Xingfa

Hill House / Horomystudio

Hill House / Horomystudio - Interior Photography, Houses, Kitchen, Beam, Table, Chair, CountertopHill House / Horomystudio - Exterior Photography, Houses, DoorHill House / Horomystudio - Exterior Photography, HousesHill House / Horomystudio - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, LightingHill House / Horomystudio - More Images+ 39

  • Architects: Horomystudio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  284
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Axolight, Gessi, Baxter, Cielo, HAY, +1

Brauninhas House / Pablo Lanza Arquitetura

Brauninhas House / Pablo Lanza Arquitetura - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, FacadeBrauninhas House / Pablo Lanza Arquitetura - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, Beam, ChairBrauninhas House / Pablo Lanza Arquitetura - Interior Photography, Houses, Kitchen, Door, Table, ChairBrauninhas House / Pablo Lanza Arquitetura - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Facade, BeamBrauninhas House / Pablo Lanza Arquitetura - More Images+ 26

Itu, Brazil
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  887
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Avanti Tapetes, Beto Koplel, Construflama, DNK Marmores, Frio service, +10

Le Costil House Renovation / Anatomies d'Architecture

Le Costil House Renovation / Anatomies d'Architecture - Exterior Photography, Renovation, FacadeLe Costil House Renovation / Anatomies d'Architecture - Exterior Photography, Renovation, FacadeLe Costil House Renovation / Anatomies d'Architecture - Exterior Photography, Renovation, Facade, DoorLe Costil House Renovation / Anatomies d'Architecture - Interior Photography, Renovation, Kitchen, Beam, CountertopLe Costil House Renovation / Anatomies d'Architecture - More Images+ 39

Sap-en-Auge, France
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  83
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2022
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Couverture Grolleau, Depuis 1920, Eco-Pertica, Scheck & Déco

Wirkbau Chemnitz Roof Garden / Meyer-Grohbrügge

Wirkbau Chemnitz Roof Garden / Meyer-Grohbrügge - Exterior Photography, Landscape Architecture, Garden, FacadeWirkbau Chemnitz Roof Garden / Meyer-Grohbrügge - Exterior Photography, Landscape Architecture, Garden, FacadeWirkbau Chemnitz Roof Garden / Meyer-Grohbrügge - Exterior Photography, Landscape Architecture, Garden, FacadeWirkbau Chemnitz Roof Garden / Meyer-Grohbrügge - Exterior Photography, Landscape Architecture, Facade, Handrail, CityscapeWirkbau Chemnitz Roof Garden / Meyer-Grohbrügge - More Images+ 13

Rosso Verde House / Carter Williamson Architects

Rosso Verde House / Carter Williamson Architects - Interior Photography, Renovation, Deck, Facade, Arch, Handrail, StairsRosso Verde House / Carter Williamson Architects - Interior Photography, Renovation, Kitchen, LightingRosso Verde House / Carter Williamson Architects - Interior Photography, Renovation, Beam, Table, Chair, CountertopRosso Verde House / Carter Williamson Architects - Exterior Photography, Renovation, Courtyard, Facade, Chair, TableRosso Verde House / Carter Williamson Architects - More Images+ 23

Glass House / Sigurd Larsen

Glass House / Sigurd Larsen - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeGlass House / Sigurd Larsen - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Facade, BeamGlass House / Sigurd Larsen - Interior Photography, Houses, BeamGlass House / Sigurd Larsen - Exterior Photography, Houses, Facade, Beam, DoorGlass House / Sigurd Larsen - More Images+ 41

Uckermark, Germany
  • Architects: Sigurd Larsen
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  183
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2022

De Jakoba Social Housing / Studioninedots

De Jakoba Social Housing / Studioninedots - Exterior Photography, Social Housing, Facade, CityscapeDe Jakoba Social Housing / Studioninedots - Exterior Photography, Social Housing, FacadeDe Jakoba Social Housing / Studioninedots - Exterior Photography, Social Housing, Facade, BalconyDe Jakoba Social Housing / Studioninedots - Interior Photography, Social HousingDe Jakoba Social Housing / Studioninedots - More Images+ 18

  • Architects: Studioninedots
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  10000
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2022

Refurbishment of a Holiday Residence / Raffaele Cammarata architetto

Refurbishment of a Holiday Residence  / Raffaele Cammarata architetto - Exterior Photography, RenovationRefurbishment of a Holiday Residence  / Raffaele Cammarata architetto - Interior Photography, Renovation, Bedroom, BedRefurbishment of a Holiday Residence  / Raffaele Cammarata architetto - Interior Photography, Renovation, Kitchen, Table, Lighting, ChairRefurbishment of a Holiday Residence  / Raffaele Cammarata architetto - Exterior Photography, RenovationRefurbishment of a Holiday Residence  / Raffaele Cammarata architetto - More Images+ 17

Collina d'Oro, Switzerland

Hannibal Advertising Offices / ROHM

Hannibal Advertising Offices / ROHM - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, Facade, FenceHannibal Advertising Offices / ROHM - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, Garden, Facade, Arch, DoorHannibal Advertising Offices / ROHM - Interior Photography, Office Buildings, Table, Lighting, ChairHannibal Advertising Offices / ROHM - Interior Photography, Office Buildings, Table, ChairHannibal Advertising Offices / ROHM - More Images+ 14

  • Architects: ROHM
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  850
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2022
  • Professionals: BM Engineering

Kamwokya Community Center / Kéré Architecture

Kamwokya Community Center / Kéré Architecture  - Interior Photography, Community Center, FacadeKamwokya Community Center / Kéré Architecture  - Exterior Photography, Community Center, FacadeKamwokya Community Center / Kéré Architecture  - Exterior Photography, Community CenterKamwokya Community Center / Kéré Architecture  - Exterior Photography, Community Center, Facade, Stairs, HandrailKamwokya Community Center / Kéré Architecture  - More Images+ 9

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1600
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2022

Sint Benedictus House / Poot architectuur

Sint Benedictus House  / Poot architectuur - Exterior Photography, Houses, Door, FacadeSint Benedictus House  / Poot architectuur - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Facade, Door, BenchSint Benedictus House  / Poot architectuur - Interior Photography, Houses, Table, ChairSint Benedictus House  / Poot architectuur - Interior Photography, Houses, Stairs, FacadeSint Benedictus House  / Poot architectuur - More Images+ 19

Mortsel, Belgium

Jeokhoje House / NOMAL

Jeokhoje House / NOMAL - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeJeokhoje House / NOMAL - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, FacadeJeokhoje House / NOMAL - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, DoorJeokhoje House / NOMAL - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeJeokhoje House / NOMAL - More Images+ 39

Seongnam-si, South Korea

BD House / Space Encounters + Studio Vincent Architecture

BD House / Space Encounters + Studio Vincent Architecture - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, FacadeBD House / Space Encounters + Studio Vincent Architecture - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Door, FacadeBD House / Space Encounters + Studio Vincent Architecture - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, FacadeBD House / Space Encounters + Studio Vincent Architecture - Interior Photography, HousesBD House / Space Encounters + Studio Vincent Architecture - More Images+ 14

Benchakitti Rain Forest Observatory / HAS design and research

Benchakitti Rain Forest Observatory / HAS design and research - Exterior Photography, Watching Tower, Garden, FenceBenchakitti Rain Forest Observatory / HAS design and research - Exterior Photography, Watching Tower, Garden, Facade, ColumnBenchakitti Rain Forest Observatory / HAS design and research - Exterior Photography, Watching Tower, Garden, Fence, ForestBenchakitti Rain Forest Observatory / HAS design and research - Exterior Photography, Watching Tower, Garden, CityscapeBenchakitti Rain Forest Observatory / HAS design and research - More Images+ 26

Dr. Funk Holiday House / Kessler Plescher Architekten

Dr. Funk Holiday House / Kessler Plescher Architekten - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Facade, Door, ForestDr. Funk Holiday House / Kessler Plescher Architekten - Exterior Photography, Houses, Door, Facade, Bench, ForestDr. Funk Holiday House / Kessler Plescher Architekten - Interior Photography, Houses, Table, ChairDr. Funk Holiday House / Kessler Plescher Architekten - Interior Photography, Houses, Kitchen, Countertop, SinkDr. Funk Holiday House / Kessler Plescher Architekten - More Images+ 19

Buggenhagen, Germany

Bread Oven House / Taller General + ERDC arquitectos

Bread Oven House / Taller General + ERDC arquitectos - Interior Photography, Houses, Kitchen, Beam, Arch, Table, BenchBread Oven House / Taller General + ERDC arquitectos - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, Beam, HandrailBread Oven House / Taller General + ERDC arquitectos - Interior Photography, Houses, Kitchen, Beam, Facade, Stairs, Countertop, TableBread Oven House / Taller General + ERDC arquitectos - Interior Photography, Houses, Kitchen, Beam, TableBread Oven House / Taller General + ERDC arquitectos - More Images+ 15

Quito, Ecuador
  • Architects: ERDC Arquitectos, Taller general
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  48
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2022

Lynk & Co Space / Masquespacio

Lynk & Co Space / Masquespacio - Interior Photography, Showroom, Door, Facade, Arch, BenchLynk & Co Space / Masquespacio - Interior Photography, Showroom, Table, ChairLynk & Co Space / Masquespacio - Interior Photography, Showroom, Door, Facade, ArchLynk & Co Space / Masquespacio - Showroom, LightingLynk & Co Space / Masquespacio - More Images+ 16

Barcelona, Spain
  • Architects: Masquespacio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  4305 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2022