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Guadalajara: The Latest Architecture and News

Rebollar Complex / SANTOSCREATIVOS + E85

Rebollar Complex / SANTOSCREATIVOS + E85 - Renovation
Guadalajara, Mexico

Rebollar Complex / SANTOSCREATIVOS + E85 - RenovationRebollar Complex / SANTOSCREATIVOS + E85 - RenovationRebollar Complex / SANTOSCREATIVOS + E85 - RenovationRebollar Complex / SANTOSCREATIVOS + E85 - RenovationRebollar Complex / SANTOSCREATIVOS + E85 - More Images+ 11

Winner of Concurso Centro Cultural Chapultepec / Javier Mosquera González

Designed by Javier Mosquera González, the Winner of the Contest for the Cultural Center of Chapultepec, pretends to act as a lighthouse of culture, including intermediate spaces, high rise gardens and a sequence of solid and filtered spaces.

Cultural Center in Guadalajara Competition Entry / K+P Architects

The proposal for the Cultural Center in Guadalajara draws its inspiration from the following definition of culture by Pufendorf: “All the ways in which human beings overcome their original barbarism, and through artifice, become fully human”. Through this definition, this design by K+P Architects focuses on two different states of the building: The primitive state and the social state. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Cultural Center in Guadalajara Competition Entry / PM²G Architects

Designed by PM²G Architects, in collaboration with Satellite Architectes & Menu Design, their iconic proposal project for a new cultural center in Guadalajara embodies and catalyzes the cultural scene over the Chapultepec Avenue besides forming a new attraction for the city. Their design, which was awarded an honorable mention, includes a series of three alternate solids that are combined with transparent and concave spaces. The rotation of the volumes towards the sky gives the building its dynamic and spectacular force. More images and architects’ description after the break.

EM House / TaAG Arquitectura

EM House / TaAG Arquitectura - HousesEM House / TaAG Arquitectura - HousesEM House / TaAG Arquitectura - HousesEM House / TaAG Arquitectura - HousesEM House / TaAG Arquitectura - More Images+ 9

Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Architects: TaAG Arquitectura
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  633
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2012

Liceo Franco Mexicano / Alberto Kalach

Liceo Franco Mexicano / Alberto Kalach - High School, FacadeLiceo Franco Mexicano / Alberto Kalach - High School, Table, ChairLiceo Franco Mexicano / Alberto Kalach - High School, FacadeLiceo Franco Mexicano / Alberto Kalach - High School, Facade, Fence, Beam, Arch, ChairLiceo Franco Mexicano / Alberto Kalach - More Images+ 7

Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Architects: Alberto Kalach: Alberto Kalach, Juan Palomar, Héctor Módica
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2005

Chilean Pavilion at Guadalajara’s International Book Fair / DAW

Chilean Pavilion at Guadalajara’s International Book Fair / DAW - Image 16 of 4
Courtesy of DAW

The proposal for the Chilean Pavilion at Guadalajara’s International Book Fair, designed by DAW, consists in generating a great container that permits a greater presence within the exhibition center and the easy recognition as an icon. As a grand “open house” being the principal concept, the thematic exposition of Chile is prepared in outdoor spaces, consisting primarily in a furnished base and a wooden deck. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Casa RO / Elías Rizo Arquitectos

Casa RO / Elías Rizo Arquitectos - Houses, Stairs, Beam, HandrailCasa RO / Elías Rizo Arquitectos - Houses, Beam, LightingCasa RO / Elías Rizo Arquitectos - Houses, Table, ChairCasa RO / Elías Rizo Arquitectos - Houses, Facade, HandrailCasa RO / Elías Rizo Arquitectos - More Images+ 12

Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Architects: Elías Rizo Arquitectos: Elías Rizo Suárez + Alejandro Rizo Suárez
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  620
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2010

Lucke Orozco House / Hernández Silva Arquitectos

Lucke Orozco House / Hernández Silva Arquitectos - Houses, Stairs, HandrailLucke Orozco House / Hernández Silva Arquitectos - Houses, Bathroom, Door, Stairs, Handrail, Sink, CountertopLucke Orozco House / Hernández Silva Arquitectos - Houses, Bathroom, Door, Shower, SinkLucke Orozco House / Hernández Silva Arquitectos - Houses, Bathroom, Sink, Lighting, Countertop, ToiletLucke Orozco House / Hernández Silva Arquitectos - More Images+ 19

Guadalajara, Mexico

Caja De Guadalajara Office Building / Solano & Catalán

Caja De Guadalajara Office Building / Solano & Catalán - Office Buildings, Door, Facade, ColumnCaja De Guadalajara Office Building / Solano & Catalán - Office Buildings, Facade, Handrail, StairsCaja De Guadalajara Office Building / Solano & Catalán - Office Buildings, Facade, ColumnCaja De Guadalajara Office Building / Solano & Catalán - Office Buildings, Facade, CityscapeCaja De Guadalajara Office Building / Solano & Catalán - More Images+ 11

Guadalajara, Spain

MO House / LVS Architecture + JC NAME Arquitectos

MO House / LVS Architecture + JC NAME Arquitectos - Houses, FacadeMO House / LVS Architecture + JC NAME Arquitectos - Houses, Stairs, Handrail, FacadeMO House / LVS Architecture + JC NAME Arquitectos - Houses, Stairs, Facade, Handrail, ChairMO House / LVS Architecture + JC NAME Arquitectos - Houses, Stairs, Handrail, FacadeMO House / LVS Architecture + JC NAME Arquitectos - More Images+ 19

Guadalajara, Mexico