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Architecture Photography: The Latest Architecture and News

"Iwan Baan: Moments in Architecture": The Vitra Design Museum Presents A Retrospective Exhibition in Germany

From October 21st, 2023, to March 3rd, 2024, the Vitra Design Museum is hosting a retrospective exhibition featuring the work of Iwan Baan. Known for his world-renowned architecture photography, “Iwan Baan: Moments in Architecture” provides a comprehensive overview of Baan’s extensive portfolio. At its core, it showcases the artist’s ability to capture the essence of contemporary architecture, along with the urban and social contexts associated with it and the people who inhabit these various spaces.

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Paul Clemence Releases Images of CERN's Science Gateway Building Designed by Renzo Piano in Geneva, Switzerland

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, has started a new initiative known as the Science Gateway. The building was designed by Renzo Piano Building Workshop, architects in collaboration with Brodbeck Roulet Architectes Associés (Geneva). Reflecting the institution's broader mission, it encompasses the values of sharing knowledge, technology, and scientific inspiration with society. The Science Gateway is envisioned as an innovative facility dedicated to scientific education and outreach, aiming to catalyze curiosity and passion for science among younger generations. In his latest photo series, Paul Clemence photographed the CERN Science Gateway Building in Geneva, Switzerland.

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Mario Botta's Residenza Cittadella Captured by Paul Clemence in Lugano, Switzerland

In the center of the city of Lugano, Switzerland, architect Mario Botta has designed a new housing solution on the foundations of the former Cinema Teatro Cittadella. Captured by Paul Clemence, this photo series displays the new residence in a city rich with an artistic and cultural past. The residential complex is located near the ancient basilica of the Sacred Heart of Lugano, nestled in a quiet area away from city traffic.

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Capturing the Essence of Delos: A Photographic Journey with Erieta Attali

Nestled amidst the Aegean Sea, the ancient island of Delos emerges as a timeless testament to human ingenuity and the harmonious interplay between architecture and nature, in this captivating series of photographs shared with ArchDaily for the International Day of Photography by artist Erieta Attali, along with the insightful voice of Brazilian architect Angelo Bucci. Inspired by Attali's work, Bucci crafts a narrative that explores the profound connection between architecture and the environment, echoing the ethos of Delos itself.

OMA's Prada Foundation Through the Lens of Bahaa Ghoussainy

In 2018, OMA opened the Fondazione Prada in Milan, Italy, housed within a former gin distillery established in 1910. The project which includes a statement facade cladded in 24-carat gold leaf and camouflaged mirrors, comprises the renovation of seven buildings in the Largo Isarco industrial complex on Milan’s southern outskirts, making the foundation neither a preservation project nor a new architecture. Recently, photographer Bahaa Ghoussainy captured the infamous structure in his new architectural photo series.

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La Fábrica by Ricardo Bofill: A Harmonious Blend of Past and Present

La Fábrica, an iconic project by Ricardo Bofill, stands as a testament to the transformative power of architecture. Located in the environs of Barcelona, this creation showcases the remarkable metamorphosis of an abandoned cement factory into a stunning architectural masterpiece.

“I Want to Go beyond What Is in Front of Me:” In Conversation with Photographer Roland Halbe

Roland Halbe came into photography entirely by accident, discovering it at the age of 15 in a class on optics. His physics teacher presented camera obscura effects, which immediately triggered his fascination. He then started borrowing his father’s old camera quite regularly. While still in high school, Roland worked part-time at a camera shop, eagerly discovering everything there is to know about photography. Those were the circumstances that kindled Halbe’s lifelong romance, first with black and white, and, eventually, color photography with a focus on the built environment.

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Color, Composition, and Scale: Analyzing Brutalist Photography

Sometimes sculptural and expressive, sometimes monolithic and monotonous, the Brutalist architectural style is equal parts diverse and divisive. From its origins as a by-product of the Modernism movement in the 1950s to today, Brutalist buildings, in architectural discourse, remain a popular point of discussion. A likely reason for this endurance is — with their raw concrete textures and dramatic shadows, brutalist buildings commonly photograph really well.

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Brutalist Belgrade: Through the Eyes of Alexey Kozhenkov

Brutalism is a deeply dividing architectural style - a subcategory of the Modernist movement that featured bare concrete finishes, unusual shapes, and an undoubtedly unique aesthetic. Whilst emerging into prominence in 1950s Great Britain, the most iconic examples of this architectural style are arguably found in Eastern Europe - particularly in the territory formerly known as Yugoslavia.

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Vienna Architecture Studios Through the Lens of Marc Goodwin

Architectural photographer Marc Goodwin adds one more photo series to his Atlas of Architectural Atmospheres, this time capturing 12 architecture offices in the Austrian capital of Vienna. The series includes the intimate workspaces of AllesWirdGut, Feld72 Architekten, querkraft architekten amongst others.

Goodwin has been working on this project for several years, and the collection holds photographs of work environments of architecture offices in Madrid, Frankfurt, Berlin, Istanbul, Seoul, and many more.

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Oscar Niemeyer's Itamaraty Palace Captured by Paul Clemence

To honor the work of one of the greatest modernists of the 20th century, Oscar Niemeyer, American-Brazilian photo artist Paul Clemence has released images of the architect’s iconic Itamaraty Palace. Housing Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Headquarters, the structure is also known as the Palace of the Arches.

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Archiving Flux / Stasis, Structure: Erieta Attali and Philipp Valente

Whether glass and sky, asphalt and sand, steel and trees: the merging of architecture and landscape has always been an inevitable factor in building. In particular the buildings made of glass, steel and concrete have had an immaterial connection to their natural surroundings since the 19th century. The superimposition of structures, reflections, filters and transparencies becomes an important design element and fascinates with its ambiguous representation of reality.

The Architectural Photography Awards Announces the 2022 Shortlist

The tenth edition of the Architectural Photography Awards has announced its shortlist, selected from entries from 64 different countries. The photographs are divided into six categories: Exterior, Interior, Sense of Place, Buildings in Use, Mobile, with Bridges being this year’s theme, and Portfolio, focusing on the theme of Transport Hubs. The photographs will be displayed at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) Lisbon in Portugal from 30th November - 2nd December. The winners, two per category, will be announced by the end of the festival.

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Marc Goodwin Captures the Facades of Studios in Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and Munich

After having explored the spaces of architectural offices in the cities of Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and Munich, Germany, Marc Goodwin documents the facades of the same studios. Looking at what makes them similar and what makes them unique, the series of images showcases 25 buildings of German firms such as Schneider+Schumacher, Blocher Partners, Asp Architekten, Behnisch Architekten, Laboratory for Visionary Architecture, Henn, Auer Weber Assoziierte, FRANKEN Generalplaner, apd architektur+ingenieurbüro, Steimle Architekten and Max Dudler.

Marc Goodwin Captures the Facades of Studios in Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and Munich  - Image 1 of 4Marc Goodwin Captures the Facades of Studios in Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and Munich  - Image 2 of 4Marc Goodwin Captures the Facades of Studios in Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and Munich  - Image 3 of 4Marc Goodwin Captures the Facades of Studios in Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and Munich  - Image 4 of 4Marc Goodwin Captures the Facades of Studios in Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and Munich  - More Images+ 21

Gregor Sailer’s Photographs Explore Architecture’s Political, Military, and Economic Implications

In a new show at Kunst Haus Wien in Vienna, the Austrian artist continues his investigation of architecture where few civilians tread.

Gregor Sailer’s quest for unusual structures and buildings takes him to some of the most extreme reaches of human civilization — from military field exercise centers in the USA and Europe to a mining center near Chuquicamata in the Atacama Desert to Arctic snow fields.

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Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and Munich Studios Through the Lens of Marc Goodwin

After photographing architectural studios in Berlin, Marc Goodwin has captured the spaces of 26 offices between the German cities of Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and Munich, including Schneider+Schumacher, Blocher Partners, Asp Architekten, Behnisch Architekten, Laboratory for Visionary Architecture, Henn, and Auer Weber Assoziierte to name a very few.

Continuing his work on the Atlas of Architectural Atmospheres, Archmospheres, Goodwin has collected so far, images of studios from cities around the world, more specifically from Madrid, Panama City, Dubai, London, Paris, Beijing, Shanghai, Seoul, Barcelona, Los Angeles, Istanbul, and so many others.

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