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Filip Dujardin


ArchDaily's Sustainability Glossary : A-B-C

It is expected that within the next couple of decades, Earth will have absolutely nothing left to offer whoever/whatever is capable of surviving on it. Although the human race is solely responsible for the damages done to the planet, a thin silver lining can still be seen if radical changes were to be done to the way we live on Earth and how we sustain it. 

Since architects and designers carry a responsibility of building a substantial future, we have put together an A-Z list of every sustainability term that you might come across. Every week, a new set of letters will be published, helping you stay well-rounded on everything related to sustainable architecture and design. Here are the terms that start with letters A, B, and C.

People's Pavilion / bureau SLA + Overtreders W

People's Pavilion / bureau SLA + Overtreders W - More Images+ 25

  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  DEGO, Elektroned, Govaerts, Heezen, IJB groep, +7
  • Professionals: Arup

Pivoting, Sliding, Accordion and Curtain Wall: Different Types Of Windows In 11 Buildings

Although all windows have common functions such as allowing the passage of light, providing ventilation, and focusing the different views, these objectives can be enhanced through a series of useful options. Depending on the orientation of the building, climatic conditions, direction of the wind, and architectural point of view, each specific window model can make a difference within a project, improving usability and the spatial and environmental quality of each room.

Below, we present types of windows that can be found in today's homes, specifically in 11 projects previously published on our site.

Pivoting, Sliding, Accordion and Curtain Wall: Different Types Of Windows In 11 Buildings - More Images+ 31

50 Housing Units / Bruther

50 Housing Units / Bruther - More Images+ 2

Limeil-Brévannes, France
  • Architects: Bruther
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  4000
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2013

Skanderbeg Square / 51N4E

Skanderbeg Square  / 51N4E - More Images+ 16

5 Projects Shortlisted for 2019 EU Mies Prize for Contemporary Architecture

Five finalist projects have been shortlisted for the 2019 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture, an award given jointly by the European Commission and the Mies van der Rohe Foundation. The biennial prize, for which ArchDaily is a media partner, recognizes the Europe-located projects that demonstrate excellence in "conceptual, social, cultural, technical, and constructive terms."

Shortlisted Projects Announced for the EU Mies Award 2019

The European Commission and the Mies van der Rohe Foundation have announced the 40 shortlisted works that will compete for the 2019 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award. The Prize, for which ArchDaily is a media partner, has seen a jury distill 383 nominated works into a 40-project-strong shortlist, celebrating the trends and opportunities in adaptive reuse, housing, and culture across Europe.

Degrowth: the Radical (Re)Action Needed to Avoid Total Economic and Environmental Collapse

ArchDaily is happy to announce our Media Partnership with @Oslo Architecture Triennale 2019! Throughout 2019 we will be sharing stories, interviews, and content related to the Triennale, which this year revolves around the theme of Degrowth. The interview below introduces Degrowth in the context of practice today - and hints at how this radical idea could irreversibly change how we value architectural production.

The world faces some significant challenges. The UN climate change report, which explained that we may have just 12 years and need “unprecedented changes” to avoid devastating effects from climate change, was released into a world that seemed to be plenty busy processing other things, such as rising economic inequality, increasingly partisan politics, escalating conflicts, and refugee crises, to name a few.

“Architecture Happens Because We Believe in a Better Future”: An Interview with Jürgen Mayer H.

“Architecture Happens Because We Believe in a Better Future”: An Interview with Jürgen Mayer H. - Arch Daily Interviews
Museum Garage Miami / Jürgen Mayer. Image © Miguel Guzman

Architect Jürgen Mayer H. founded his firm J.MAYER.H in Berlin in 1996. He studied both in Germany (Stuttgart University) and in the US (Cooper Union and Princeton). Back in 2010, Mayer H. told me that while his solid professional education in Germany equipped him with the know-how about the technical and practical aspects of architecture, he still lacked a clear vision about how to develop his own thought and an architectural language.

Years of questioning and experimenting eventually led to the development of his own distinctive voice. Mayer H.’s buildings have brought unique identities to many places around the globe, particularly through his use of data protection patterns that triggered the creation of architecture unlike anything seen before. On my recent visit to his studio in West Berlin we discussed the architect’s identity. When I confronted Mayer H. about what he thinks about his signature style at the times when it is no longer celebrated by the media he said, “This started as my voice and by now it is the contribution of an entire team. There is no intention or strategy, just our own capacity to work with the medium of architecture.”

“Architecture Happens Because We Believe in a Better Future”: An Interview with Jürgen Mayer H. - More Images+ 33

Best Small Chapel Architecture & Design

 Best Small Chapel Architecture & Design - Image 20 of 4
© Samuel Ludwig

 Best Small Chapel Architecture & Design - More Images+ 27

This week we’ve selected the best chapels previously published on our site. They reveal different ways of designing a small and sacred space. For inspiration on how to create these atmospheres, integrate different materials, and make proper use of light, we present 32 remarkable examples.

Toni Areal Roof Garden / Studio Vulkan Landscape Architecture

Toni Areal Roof Garden / Studio Vulkan Landscape Architecture - More Images+ 15

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2600
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2014
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Forster Baugrün, STA Struktuwerkstoffe Altenrhein, Tschümperlin, WALO Bertschinger

8 Beautiful Belgian Houses: The Expert on Ugly Belgian Houses Weighs In

Sometimes an architect’s best intentions get lost along the way. Sometimes they get value-engineered out; sometimes they were never really there to begin with. That's where Ugly Belgian Houses comes in. The blog, run by discerning Belgian Hannes Coudenys, documents some of his home country's architectural misadventures - all with a sense of humor, of course!

Today, to celebrate Belgium's National Day, we asked the man behind the blog to select some beautiful Belgian houses. His choices - with a few words from him and the architects - after the break.

KAAI37 / META architectuurbureau + architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu + noAarchitecten + Office KGDVS

KAAI37 / META architectuurbureau + architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu + noAarchitecten + Office KGDVS - More Images+ 40

Contemporary Religious Architecture That Rethinks Traditional Spaces for Worship

Contemporary Religious Architecture That Rethinks Traditional Spaces for Worship - Image 4 of 4
© Fabrice Fouillet

Constructing places of worship has always been an intricate practice, managing to detach the human, and release the boundary between body, mind, and spirit. Holy presence has been crucial in designing and constructing sacred places, which is why almost all religious building possessed similar characteristics: grandiosity, monolithic material, natural elements, and a plan that compliments an individual’s circulation through the space. Contemporary religious structures, however, found a way to adapt to the evolution of architecture. Unlike the Gothic or Baroque periods, modern-day architecture does not have a dominant identity. It is, in fact, a combination of postmodernism, futurism, minimalism, and everything in between. Architects have found a way to transform these exclusive, religion-devoted places into structures of spirituality, manifestation, and fascination.

Here is a selection of contemporary religious buildings that prove once again that architects are breaking all boundaries of creativity.

Contemporary Religious Architecture That Rethinks Traditional Spaces for Worship - More Images+ 19

Seeing Red: 4 Times the Color Has Enhanced Architecture and Why

Seeing Red: 4 Times the Color Has Enhanced Architecture and Why - Image 5 of 4
© Helene Binet

Red is everywhere. From stop signs to bricks and lipstick to wine, our constant use of the color in everyday objects has slowly taken over our subconscious. Red is a color that always blends with the context, telling us how to feel or what to think, but why are we attracted to it? Why did cavemen choose ochre-based paint to draw on their walls? Why do revolutions always seem to use red to stir support? Why do we parade celebrities down red carpets, when green or blue would surely do the same job? While the answers to these questions may be vague and indefinite, red’s use in architecture is almost always meticulously calculated.

Seeing Red: 4 Times the Color Has Enhanced Architecture and Why - More Images+ 6

Televic / Tv Architectenbureau Naert + Declerck-Daels

Televic / Tv Architectenbureau Naert + Declerck-Daels - More Images+ 21

Creative Kitchen Designs and Their Details: The Best Photos of the Week

More and more, the kitchen is gaining importance in house design, in many cases serving as the center around which the rest of the spaces unfold. For this reason, this week we present a selection of 15 images of kitchens, from different parts of the world, which allow us to appreciate the variety of configurations, materials, and shapes now used in this important space. Read on to see the images of photographers including BoysPlayNice, Peter Bennetts, and Juane Sepulveda.

Creative Kitchen Designs and Their Details: The Best Photos of the Week - More Images+ 10

20 Incredible Images of Architecture and Animals: The Best Photos of the Week

For the animal lovers among our audience, this week we have put together a special roundup of images of architecture alongside some marvelous critters. While not exactly a mainstay of architectural photography, proponents of the form like BoysPlayNice, Jesus Granada and Rafael Gamo have dared to include animal inhabitants in their architectural compositions. Read on to see a selection of 20 creative images where you will find horses, sheep, cows, goats, dogs, cats, and even elephants.

20 Incredible Images of Architecture and Animals: The Best Photos of the Week - More Images+ 14