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Janet Echelman Suspends Time-Inspired Net Sculpture Over Madrid's Plaza Mayor

Janet Echelman Suspends Time-Inspired Net Sculpture Over Madrid's Plaza Mayor - Image 12 of 4
© Janet Echelman, Inc., 2018, photo: João Ferrand

American artist Janet Echelman's latest sculpture is currently on display at Madrid's Plaza Mayor. Titled "1.78 Madrid," the piece is the latest of Echelman's suspended thread sculptures, and the newest piece in her Earth Time Series begun in 2010. On display until February 19th, the piece was unveiled on Friday to mark Madrid's 400th anniversary.

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The Bizarre Brutalist Church that Is More Art than Architecture

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© Denis Esakov

Located on a hill in Mauer, on the outskirts of Vienna, the Wotruba Church was the culmination of sculptor Fritz Wotruba’s life (the project’s architect, Fritz G. Mayr, is often forgotten). Constructed in the mid-1970s, Mayr completed the project one year after Wotruba’s death, enlarging the artist’s clay model to create a functional walk-in concrete sculpture. As can be seen in these images by Denis Esakov, the result is a chaotic brutalist ensemble that toys with the boundaries between art and architecture.

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4 Tiny Houses Selected as Winners in the Ryterna modul Architectural Challenge 2018

European modular container and building producer Ryterna modul has announced the winners of their fourth International competition: Architectural Challenge 2018 Tiny House. The competition asked for the design of a home for two people no larger than 25 square meters that integrated a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and sleeping area into a cohesive environment. With 150 projects from 88 countries, the three winning solutions and one honorable mention turn micro dwelling into a luxury.

See all the winning entries below.

Istanbul’s Futuristic KCTV Telecom Tower Nears Completion

Construction continues on the undulating, futuristic 365 meter-tall Küçük Çamlıca TV (KCTV) Tower which is designed by MELIKE ALTINISIK ARCHITECTS in Istanbul, Turkey. The new telecommunications tower will replace several drab structures currently in use and support an estimated 125 broadcasting transmitters—becoming the tallest edifice in the city.

Snøhetta Designs Energy-Positive Lakeside Hotel in the Arctic Circle

Snøhetta has unveiled its design for "Svart," a hotel for sustainable tourism company Arctic Adventure of Norway. Located within the Arctic Circle, on the edge of Norway's Holandsfjorden fjord at the base of the Svartisen glacier, the building is designed to the "Powerhouse" building standard, a system developed by Snøhetta and a group of collaborators for creating energy-positive sustainable buildings.

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Drone Photographs of Bogotá's Grand Architecture Show the "Unedited" Side of the City

Colombian graphic designer and creative director Camilo Monzón's Instagram account is not your average catalog of Bogotá's iconic architecture. 

Camilo explains that his particular way of capturing the city arose while he tried out his drone. "I realized that the tiles from nearby buildings showed me an unedited side of Bogotá that should be revealed and shown to everyone," he said in a conversation with ArchDaily en Español. "I think of it as rediscovering the city."

75 Valentines for Architects and (Architecture) Lovers

Spread the love! These 75 architecture valentines—handmade by ArchDaily readers from around the world—were chosen out of nearly 400 submissions. 

The message that we wrote last year is so important that we'll say it again: ArchDaily's mission is to improve the quality of life of the world's inhabitants by publishing content for architects, designers, and decision-makers. We also realize how important tolerance, acceptance, and love are to the process of building a better world. So, from us to you, and from your fellow readers to the world, may you feel a wealth of love on this Valentine's Day. <3

How To Invest in Your Online Presence to Help Grow Your Design Business

We live in a world that spends more time online than outside. And as architects and designers, we invest in creating a more engaging world by means of enhancing life through our buildings. However, through a perhaps unique form of tunnel vision, we are missing an incredible opportunity to leverage alternative mediums to impact more people through our design businesses.

Here are 5 ways to utilize your creativity to produce unique content that will help enhance your impact on the world of design, and in turn, push you and your design business forward:

Carme Pinós Will Be the First Spanish Architect to Design Australia's MPavilion

The Naomi Milgrom Foundation has announced that the fifth edition of the MPavilion will be designed by the Spanish architect Carme Pinós. The MPavilion 2018 will be the first public work commissioned to a Spanish architect in Australia and will be the successor of the pavilion designed by OMA / Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten in 2017. The 2017 pavilion received more than 117,000 visitors and hosted 477 free events over 133 days.

On the choice of the Australian foundation, Naomi Milgrom stressed that Pinós' career "honors the responsibility of architecture to serve a community, by creating spaces that place human experience and environment at the center of her designs."

3D Printing Fuses Thai Craftsmanship to Create Habitable Concrete Structures

Siam Research and Innovation Company (SRI) is a Thailand-based cement manufacturer that has been developing innovations to push the limits of 3D printing in architecture. Their project 'Triple S' –developed in 2017– is based on traditional Thai craftsmanship to generate Surface, Structure, and Shelter in a single process; its specific artisanal form creating beautiful framework for structural purposes, easily building living spaces.

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Selldorf Architects To Reinstall Collection at The High Museum of Art

The High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Georgia has announced that award-winning New York-based Selldorf Architects have been selected to develop a large-scale reinstallation of the institution’s galleries in collaboration with the museum staff. The renovation will encompass all seven of the collection areas—from Photography and European Art to Decorative Arts and Design—while emphasizing visitor experience, contemporary narratives, and the strengths of the Museum’s holdings to create a cohesive experience thats deepens engagement inside the Richard Meier and Renzo Piano-designed complex.

14 Bedrooms to Fall In Love With on Valentine's Day

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Ah, love—one of life's most treasured gifts. Whether we're talking about erotic or plantonic love, Valentine's Day is the day to go all out with your expressions of affection. Maybe you'll go out to dinner, or go on a nice date, or treat yourself to a just a little more of the things that make you happy. And then, you'll move it to the bedroom to fall into a blissful slumber... or not.

In any case, these nice bedrooms will inspire lovely thoughts for this special day. Here we present 14 bedrooms to fall in love with (or in!) featuring photos from Emily Hutchinson, Cosmo Laera and Andreja Budjevac.

The State of California is (Finally) Forcing Through Affordable Housing Laws, Overruling Municipal NIMBYism

This article was originally published by The Architect's Newspaper as "A wave of affordable and market-rate housing could soon wash ashore in California."

In recent months, legislators in California have begun a concerted effort to use state law to address the state’s ongoing housing crisis. The moves come amid worsening regional inequality that has pushed housing affordability outside the reach of many populations. Facing mounting pressure from a growing cohort of pro-housing YIMBY activists and increasingly grim economic and social impacts—including a sharp increase in the number of rent-burdened households and the number of individuals and families experiencing homelessness—state-level legislators have begun to take action where municipal leaders have thus far stopped short.

How To Create An Architecture Portfolio in Virtual Reality

A portfolio is the standard way for architects to show their work  and their style, process and brand. Over the last decade, portfolios have evolved from paper to digital, primarily because it is more time and cost efficient to maintain a digital portfolio and keep it up-to-date.

Within the realm of digital portfolios, choices can range between an app, a PDF, to a web-hosted portfolio. Architects usually choose to use JPEGs as the main element of the portfolio and may add text or other digital media like video or audio.

However, with the increasing use of new technologies like Virtual Reality to present architectural work - there is a strong case for creating and maintaining an immersive VR portfolio of your work to differentiate your brand in front of your audience and embrace newer technologies.

Ateliereen Architecten Creates Playful, Permeable Structure Using Metal and Wood

Ateliereen Architecten has proposed a metal and wood configuration for an observation tower in Peize, Netherlands. Their plan is to construct a resistant, permeable and playful structure.

The project is designed so that people climbing up the tower will have unique viewpoints. This tower is also easily assembled from screws and bolts. 

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12 Exhibition Design Projects that Show Architecture Doesn't Have to Be Permanent to Be Powerful

Thinking broadly of architecture, the masterpieces of the past inevitably come to mind; buildings constructed to withstand the passage of time, that have found an ally in age, cementing themselves in the history of humanity. Permanence, however, is a hefty weight to bear and architecture that is, due to its program, ephemeral should not be cast aside as "lesser-than."

20 Finalists Announced in International Housing Competition for Russia

20 finalists have been announced for the Open International Competition for Standard Housing in Russia. With the plan to provide 30 million Russian residents with new homes by 2025, the competition aims to discover new innovative solutions to improve residential design and planning for the new developments. The competition was organized by the Government of Russian Federation, the National Institute for Housing Development Foundation, and the Russian Ministry of Construction working together to create a new standard for affordable housing.

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This Unique Instagram Showcases the Bizarre Variety of Japanese Public Restrooms

A post shared by H.Nakamura (@toilets_a_go_go) on

When looking back on the rich history of Japanese architecture, some of the things that immediately come to mind are complex wood joinery, hipped roofs and intimate experiences with water. Today, Japan is on the cutting edge of architectural innovation in many different buildling types—skyscrapers, office buildings and micro-housing to name a few. However, this Instagram account chooses to highlight an extremely unappreciated building type—public restrooms.

Cheekily named @toilets_a_go_go, the account promises its followers the "discovery of Japanese toilets," covering everything from bathroom pavilions inspired by traditional Japanese architecture to metabolist-like toilet pods—with a few novelty structures thrown in for good measure. If the name of the account did not already reveal the identity of the structures, one might even mistake many of them for something else. We typically overlook public restrooms or even see them in a negative light, but this account showcases the power of architecture to improve a neglected building type, showing that even a trip to the toilet can (and should) be beautiful.

Architects Create Affordable "Exoskeleton" Pavilion With Modular Woods, Tie Straps and Sliding Joints

"Exoskeleton" is a pavilion that shows how Computer Aided Manufacturing can create rapid prototypes. This manufacturing process allows for real-scale construction and experimentation with limited resources. 

In this project, a system of modules, designed with different dimensions, is put together with simple joints without nails or screws. This allows for different surfaces to be formed and for the pieces to be rotated and assembled at various angles and heights.

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UNStudio Selected to Design New Cable Car in Gothenburg

UNStudio has won a competition to design a new, 3-kilometer long cable car in the Swedish city of Gothenburg. The cable car's route, which will connect the old city on the south of the river with three locations to the north, will feature a total of six towers which have been designed around an adaptable, asymmetrical structural system intended to mimic the cranes in the city's shipyards. The expected opening date for the cable car is in 2021, with the new transportation system being inaugurated as part of the celebrations of Gothenburg's 400th anniversary.

Why Architects Should Start Being a Little More Selfish

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© Unsplash user Cassie Boca

The Scottish liberal economist and philosopher Adam Smith once argued: “To feel much for others and little for ourselves, to restrain our selfishness and exercise our benevolent affections, constitute the perfection of human nature.” While we may have come some way since the 1700s, selfishness is still viewed by many as one of humanity’s ugliest traits.

Yet with the rise of mindfulness and the burgeoning self-help and life-coach industry, the view towards selfishness—more palatably referred to as "self-care"—is changing, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

HASSELL + MVRDV's Proposal to Improve the Bay Area's Resilience in the Event of a Disaster

Following recent natural disasters including the Northern California wildfires, the HASSELL + team have been inspired to reimagine the San Francisco Bay Area as a vibrant community hub, equipped to provide temporary facilities in an emergency. As part of the competition Resilient by Design, the ten teams were asked to provide solutions for the waterfront through site-specific conceptual design and collaborative research projects.

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"Unbuilding Walls": German Pavilion at 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale to Probe Architecture of Division and Integration

As part of our 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale coverage, we present the proposal for the German Pavilion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition 2018 La Biennale di Venezia. Below, the participants describe their contribution in their own words. 

For 28 years, Germany has been united – exactly as long as the Berlin Wall existed (1961–1989). On the occasion of this parallel, GRAFT and Marianne Birthler are curating the exhibition “Unbuilding Walls” at the German Pavilion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice.

1 in 7 Women in Architecture Have Experienced Sexual Harassment in Past 12 Months, Reports AJ

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Courtesy of The Architects' Journal

Around 1 in 7 women in UK architecture practices has experienced sexual harassment in the workplace in the past year alone, according to the results of the annual Women in Architecture survey conducted by The Architects' Journal. The poll of nearly 1,500 architects also found that more than half of women have experienced some form of discrimination ranging from bullying to workplace rules that leave them disadvantaged in the same period. The AJ's survey, which in previous years has largely focused on issues such as pay disparity between men and women, focuses this year more broadly on gender discrimination and sexual harassment—a response to the global shift in awareness organized around movements such as #MeToo and #TimesUp.

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