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  2. Hungary


KOSMOS Architects Design a Wall That Unites Rather Than Divides for HelloWood 2016

Cross-continental architecture practice KOSMOS Architects have revealed the full design intent for their HelloWood 2016 installation. The wooden structure, dubbed "Thread," subverts the conventional notion of the wall as a divider of space, reinventing it as a new zone of inclusivism and human engagement. Their entire design and construction process was guided by Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, leading to a structure that brings people together and fulfills them in different ways, level by level.

KOSMOS Architects Design a Wall That Unites Rather Than Divides for HelloWood 2016 - Image 1 of 4KOSMOS Architects Design a Wall That Unites Rather Than Divides for HelloWood 2016 - Image 2 of 4KOSMOS Architects Design a Wall That Unites Rather Than Divides for HelloWood 2016 - Image 3 of 4KOSMOS Architects Design a Wall That Unites Rather Than Divides for HelloWood 2016 - Image 4 of 4KOSMOS Architects Design a Wall That Unites Rather Than Divides for HelloWood 2016 - More Images+ 18

Sopron Castle District Revitalization / Hetedik Műterem

Sopron Castle District Revitalization  / Hetedik Műterem - Public Space, Door, FacadeSopron Castle District Revitalization  / Hetedik Műterem - Public Space, Facade, CityscapeSopron Castle District Revitalization  / Hetedik Műterem - Public Space, FacadeSopron Castle District Revitalization  / Hetedik Műterem - Public Space, Fence, Facade, Handrail, BalconySopron Castle District Revitalization  / Hetedik Műterem - More Images+ 31

Nartarchitects Designs Dramatic Museum in Former Coal Mine

NARTARCHITECTS has released the plans for its Csontváry Museum in Pécs, Hungary, which will feature the work of Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka, a Hungarian painter known for his technical skill and spiritual messages.

The design of the Museum reflects Csontváry’s symbolic and interpretive work. Rather than utilizing the typical “plaza-museum” typology, the Csontváry Museum will be located on the outskirts of the city in a crater of a former coal mine near a lake. Through this location, the space gives a dramatic ambiance suited to its program.

Museum of Ethnography / NAPUR Architect

Napur Architect has won the competition to design a new building for the Museum of Ethnography in Budapest. On a site bordering Ötvenhatosok Square and adjacent to City Park, the building is one part of the Liget Budapest Project, aimed at renewing the civic space of the area with renovations to existing structures, rejuvenation of green spaces, and institutional additions. Besides the Ethnography Museum, City Park will be home to the House of Hungarian Music designed by Sou Fujimoto and a New National Gallery designed by SANAA.

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TD House / sporaarchitects

TD House  / sporaarchitects - Houses, Bathroom, Countertop, Sink, BedTD House  / sporaarchitects - Houses, Handrail, BeamTD House  / sporaarchitects - Houses, Door, Facade, ColumnTD House  / sporaarchitects - Houses, Facade, DoorTD House  / sporaarchitects - More Images+ 25

Debrecen, Hungary
  • Architects: sporaarchitects
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  146
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2014
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Kuns·g fenster, Lumoconcept, Szauer parketta, cookroom
  • Professionals: Zoltán Korompay


Coffice  / GASPARBONTA - Interior Design, FacadeCoffice  / GASPARBONTA - Interior Design, Door, Table, ChairCoffice  / GASPARBONTA - Interior Design, Door, Facade, Table, Chair, LightingCoffice  / GASPARBONTA - Interior Design, Table, Chair, LightingCoffice  / GASPARBONTA - More Images+ 47


Studio Loft / GASPARBONTA - Interior Design, Door, Handrail, ChairStudio Loft / GASPARBONTA - Interior Design, Bedroom, BedStudio Loft / GASPARBONTA - Interior Design, Facade, TableStudio Loft / GASPARBONTA - Interior Design, Kitchen, Door, Countertop, Table, ChairStudio Loft / GASPARBONTA - More Images+ 24

Office in Debrecen / Archiko Kft

Office in Debrecen  / Archiko Kft - Offices, Door, FacadeOffice in Debrecen  / Archiko Kft - Offices, FacadeOffice in Debrecen  / Archiko Kft - Offices, Courtyard, Facade, DoorOffice in Debrecen  / Archiko Kft - Offices, FacadeOffice in Debrecen  / Archiko Kft - More Images+ 32

Debrecen, Hungary
  • Architects: Archiko Kft
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  237
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2014
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  ESSMANN Hungária Kft., HELLA ÁNR Árnyékolástechnika Kft., Hormann, INTERNORM

MazelTov - 81Font / Studio Arkitekter

MazelTov - 81Font / Studio Arkitekter - Interior Design, Facade, ArchMazelTov - 81Font / Studio Arkitekter - Interior Design, Door, BeamMazelTov - 81Font / Studio Arkitekter - Interior Design, Arch, Table, ChairMazelTov - 81Font / Studio Arkitekter - Interior Design, Beam, Lighting, Chair, TableMazelTov - 81Font / Studio Arkitekter - More Images+ 24

Mountain Hut at Galyateto / NARTARCHITECTS

Mountain Hut at Galyateto / NARTARCHITECTS - Hospitality Architecture, FacadeMountain Hut at Galyateto / NARTARCHITECTS - Hospitality Architecture, Chair, TableMountain Hut at Galyateto / NARTARCHITECTS - Hospitality ArchitectureMountain Hut at Galyateto / NARTARCHITECTS - Hospitality Architecture, Door, Table, ChairMountain Hut at Galyateto / NARTARCHITECTS - More Images+ 20

Lookout Tower at Galyateto / Nartarchitects

Lookout Tower at Galyateto / Nartarchitects - Watching Tower, Fence, FacadeLookout Tower at Galyateto / Nartarchitects - Watching Tower, ForestLookout Tower at Galyateto / Nartarchitects - Watching Tower, Stairs, Facade, HandrailLookout Tower at Galyateto / Nartarchitects - Watching Tower, Facade, Handrail, Fence, StairsLookout Tower at Galyateto / Nartarchitects - More Images+ 9

Mátraszentimre, Hungary

Super Computer Center / NAPUR Architect

Super Computer Center / NAPUR Architect - Research Center, FacadeSuper Computer Center / NAPUR Architect - Research Center, DoorSuper Computer Center / NAPUR Architect - Research Center, FacadeSuper Computer Center / NAPUR Architect - Research Center, ChairSuper Computer Center / NAPUR Architect - More Images+ 37

Strict Elegance / batlab architects

Strict Elegance / batlab architects - Interior Photography, Apartment Interiors, Door, TableStrict Elegance / batlab architects - Interior Photography, Apartment Interiors, DoorStrict Elegance / batlab architects - Apartment InteriorsStrict Elegance / batlab architects - Interior Photography, Apartment Interiors, Door, StairsStrict Elegance / batlab architects - More Images+ 16

  • Architects: batlab architects
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  51
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2015
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Studio Nomad

BAOBAO / 81 font

BAOBAO / 81 font - Interior Design, Kitchen, Table, Lighting, Chair, CountertopBAOBAO / 81 font - Interior Design, Arch, Door, TableBAOBAO / 81 font - Interior Design, Kitchen, Beam, Table, Countertop, Lighting, ChairBAOBAO / 81 font - Interior DesignBAOBAO / 81 font - More Images+ 9

Szentkút Pilgrim Center / Tamás Nagy

Szentkút Pilgrim Center / Tamás Nagy - Cultural Center, Facade, Column, Door, ArchSzentkút Pilgrim Center / Tamás Nagy - Cultural Center, Fence, HandrailSzentkút Pilgrim Center / Tamás Nagy - Cultural Center, Beam, FacadeSzentkút Pilgrim Center / Tamás Nagy - Cultural Center, FacadeSzentkút Pilgrim Center / Tamás Nagy - More Images+ 26

Mátraverebély, Hungary

Herb-Valley Centre ZÁNKA / MODUM

Herb-Valley Centre ZÁNKA / MODUM - Visitor Center, Stairs, Door, Facade, CoastHerb-Valley Centre ZÁNKA / MODUM - Visitor Center, Facade, Column, Beam, ArchHerb-Valley Centre ZÁNKA / MODUM - Visitor Center, Facade, DoorHerb-Valley Centre ZÁNKA / MODUM - Visitor Center, Beam, Facade, TableHerb-Valley Centre ZÁNKA / MODUM - More Images+ 21

The House of the Postmaster / kissmiklos

The House of the Postmaster / kissmiklos - Renovation, FacadeThe House of the Postmaster / kissmiklos - Renovation, Bedroom, Door, Facade, Beam, Stairs, Handrail, BedThe House of the Postmaster / kissmiklos - Renovation, Bedroom, Stairs, Handrail, FacadeThe House of the Postmaster / kissmiklos - Renovation, Bedroom, BedThe House of the Postmaster / kissmiklos - More Images+ 23

Mátraszentimre, Hungary

Ilcsi Beauty Workshop / sporaarchitects

Ilcsi Beauty Workshop  / sporaarchitects - Interior Design, BeamIlcsi Beauty Workshop  / sporaarchitects - Interior Design, Facade, Lighting, Chair, TableIlcsi Beauty Workshop  / sporaarchitects - Interior Design, Kitchen, Stairs, Countertop, Sink, Table, Chair, BedIlcsi Beauty Workshop  / sporaarchitects - Interior DesignIlcsi Beauty Workshop  / sporaarchitects - More Images+ 20