1. ArchDaily
  2. Canada


First Narayever Synagogue / LGA Architectural Partners

First Narayever Synagogue / LGA Architectural Partners - SynagogueFirst Narayever Synagogue / LGA Architectural Partners - Interior Photography, SynagogueFirst Narayever Synagogue / LGA Architectural Partners - Interior Photography, Synagogue, Door, ChairFirst Narayever Synagogue / LGA Architectural Partners - Interior Photography, Synagogue, Stairs, HandrailFirst Narayever Synagogue / LGA Architectural Partners - More Images+ 17

Toronto, Canada

House Caroline / Reign Architects

House Caroline / Reign Architects - ExtensionHouse Caroline / Reign Architects - Interior Photography, Extension, Kitchen, Table, Chair, CountertopHouse Caroline / Reign Architects - Interior Photography, ExtensionHouse Caroline / Reign Architects - Interior Photography, Extension, Stairs, HandrailHouse Caroline / Reign Architects - More Images+ 20

Toronto, Canada

Pearl Block / D'Arcy Jones Architects

Pearl Block / D'Arcy Jones Architects - Exterior Photography, Residential, FacadePearl Block / D'Arcy Jones Architects - Exterior Photography, Residential, FacadePearl Block / D'Arcy Jones Architects - Interior Photography, Residential, Beam, Table, ChairPearl Block / D'Arcy Jones Architects - Exterior Photography, Residential, FacadePearl Block / D'Arcy Jones Architects - More Images+ 13

Montreal Botanical Garden Entrance Pavilion / Pelletier De Fontenay

Montreal Botanical Garden Entrance Pavilion / Pelletier De Fontenay - Other StructuresMontreal Botanical Garden Entrance Pavilion / Pelletier De Fontenay - Interior Photography, Other Structures, FacadeMontreal Botanical Garden Entrance Pavilion / Pelletier De Fontenay - Interior Photography, Other Structures, Door, FacadeMontreal Botanical Garden Entrance Pavilion / Pelletier De Fontenay - Other StructuresMontreal Botanical Garden Entrance Pavilion / Pelletier De Fontenay - More Images+ 20

La Cime Chalet / NatureHumaine

La Cime Chalet / NatureHumaine - Exterior Photography, Small Scale, ForestLa Cime Chalet / NatureHumaine - Small ScaleLa Cime Chalet / NatureHumaine - Small ScaleLa Cime Chalet / NatureHumaine - Exterior Photography, Small Scale, Facade, ChairLa Cime Chalet / NatureHumaine - More Images+ 20

Sainte-Béatrix, Canada
  • Architects: NatureHumaine
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  538 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2024
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Concept Béton Design, Dekko, Fabelta, Juste Du Pin, JØTUL, +8
  • Professionals: Geniex, PDG terrassement

Bruj Creative Laboratory Apartment / Studio Jean Verville architectes

Bruj Creative Laboratory Apartment / Studio Jean Verville architectes - Interior Photography, Apartment Interiors, KitchenBruj Creative Laboratory Apartment / Studio Jean Verville architectes - Apartment InteriorsBruj Creative Laboratory Apartment / Studio Jean Verville architectes - Interior Photography, Apartment Interiors, Bathtub, TableBruj Creative Laboratory Apartment / Studio Jean Verville architectes - Exterior Photography, Apartment Interiors, FacadeBruj Creative Laboratory Apartment / Studio Jean Verville architectes - More Images+ 42

Grow Residence / Modern Office of Design + Architecture

Grow Residence / Modern Office of Design + Architecture - Sustainability & Green DesignGrow Residence / Modern Office of Design + Architecture - Sustainability & Green DesignGrow Residence / Modern Office of Design + Architecture - Sustainability & Green DesignGrow Residence / Modern Office of Design + Architecture - Sustainability & Green DesignGrow Residence / Modern Office of Design + Architecture - More Images+ 20

Montreal West Station’s Pavilion / Sid Lee Architecture

Montreal West Station’s Pavilion / Sid Lee Architecture -           Transportation HubMontreal West Station’s Pavilion / Sid Lee Architecture -           Transportation HubMontreal West Station’s Pavilion / Sid Lee Architecture -           Transportation HubMontreal West Station’s Pavilion / Sid Lee Architecture -           Transportation HubMontreal West Station’s Pavilion / Sid Lee Architecture - More Images+ 11

Forest Retreat House / Kariouk Architects

Forest Retreat House / Kariouk Architects - HousesForest Retreat House / Kariouk Architects - HousesForest Retreat House / Kariouk Architects - HousesForest Retreat House / Kariouk Architects - HousesForest Retreat House / Kariouk Architects - More Images+ 15

Caledon, Canada
  • Architects: Kariouk Architects
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  10300 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021

T-A-St-Germain Library / ACDF Architecture

T-A-St-Germain Library / ACDF Architecture - ExtensionT-A-St-Germain Library / ACDF Architecture - ExtensionT-A-St-Germain Library / ACDF Architecture - ExtensionT-A-St-Germain Library / ACDF Architecture - ExtensionT-A-St-Germain Library / ACDF Architecture - More Images+ 25

Alma 24 House / Maria José Benech + Stéphane Asselin

Alma 24 House / Maria José Benech + Stéphane Asselin - HousesAlma 24 House / Maria José Benech + Stéphane Asselin - HousesAlma 24 House / Maria José Benech + Stéphane Asselin - HousesAlma 24 House / Maria José Benech + Stéphane Asselin - HousesAlma 24 House / Maria José Benech + Stéphane Asselin - More Images+ 35

Cabot Cliffs: Cliffs Residences, Halfway Hut and Pro Shop / FBM Architecture | Interior Design | Planning

Cabot Cliffs: Cliffs Residences, Halfway Hut and Pro Shop / FBM Architecture | Interior Design | Planning - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeCabot Cliffs: Cliffs Residences, Halfway Hut and Pro Shop / FBM Architecture | Interior Design | Planning - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeCabot Cliffs: Cliffs Residences, Halfway Hut and Pro Shop / FBM Architecture | Interior Design | Planning - Interior Photography, Houses, ChairCabot Cliffs: Cliffs Residences, Halfway Hut and Pro Shop / FBM Architecture | Interior Design | Planning - Exterior Photography, Houses, Door, FacadeCabot Cliffs: Cliffs Residences, Halfway Hut and Pro Shop / FBM Architecture | Interior Design | Planning - More Images+ 6

BMO Convention Centre / Populus

BMO Convention Centre / Populus - ExtensionBMO Convention Centre / Populus - Exterior Photography, Extension, FacadeBMO Convention Centre / Populus - ExtensionBMO Convention Centre / Populus - ExtensionBMO Convention Centre / Populus - More Images+ 14

  • Architects: POPULOUS
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  565000 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2024

House MN / Julia Manaças Architecte + o y a m a

House MN / Julia Manaças Architecte + o y a m a  - Exterior Photography, HousesHouse MN / Julia Manaças Architecte + o y a m a  - Exterior Photography, HousesHouse MN / Julia Manaças Architecte + o y a m a  - Interior Photography, Houses, Beam, TableHouse MN / Julia Manaças Architecte + o y a m a  - Interior Photography, Houses, LightingHouse MN / Julia Manaças Architecte + o y a m a  - More Images+ 27

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  240
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2023
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Hamster, Scierie Bruno Bélisle